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Everything posted by LFNokia

  1. Then the time was for the stairs the pieces cut After assembling the stairs After staining (the wood from the stairs doesn't really absorb staining that well) After working a bit with dry pigments Stairs in place Bit of staining arround to better integrate the stairs on the floor Build is moving along once again, maybe this time it keeps moving until the end
  2. Time to get this back to life, i seem to have missplaced a few pics of the last work on the top teck of the boat, so here's one of the nearly final job
  3. i would like to add stuff to the bottom deck, cargo, mabe some tree trunks, looking for ideas and suggestions
  4. I like that a lot more than moving the black so high, i'll definetly consider it, thanks
  5. good luck on your build, let me know if you start a log Now i have a decision to make, with the paddles in place, it is clear that the waterline should be higher, but if i move it, aesthetically from most points of view, only black will be seen on the hull... so... accuracy or aesthetics...
  6. More progress some "moss" Probably a bit of too much work on something that will never be seen, but still
  7. after all the corrections of the mistakes that affected this area
  8. Some starting pain and some windows New structure Bit more of dirt Starting the stairs, wich are the last element on this bridge
  9. Stained the deck with alcool and indian ink started some some work on the walls adding some wood that was missing due to the wrong assembly done by the previous builder
  10. Some progress Cutting wood for the deck on a mini jig Starting the deck Some walls Some painted walls
  11. judaic bitumen is liquid and acts more like a stain, not like the normal bitument, normal bitumen is the one that can give problems on the long term judaic bitument is used on all kinds of materials to give a antique patina here you can see a couple of links on it beeing used on wood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xJVSJAU9ug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrf-5FsInLg Sorry for beeing in portuguese/brasilian but in english i didn't find any good videos Also keep in mind that depending on the brand/dilution the stain ranges from yelowish-brown-black There are also recipes to make your own, i've never tried any, because i have easy access localy this does look like it had some judaic bitumen used, but also looks like it had work with pigments done over it You can also mix it with wax and work with the stained wax, there's some areas that really look like they had technique used
  12. A friend dug up a project that was starte quite some years ago and never finished and gave it to me The 1st inspection was about trying to see if there was any missing parts, seems a few wooden pieces are missing, all i've see so far can be replicated easily from the scraps i have arround. Some tears in the instructions along with some water damage, still everything is readable. 2nd inspection on what has been built already, news are not so great, this piece is wrong The main piece of the deck is not centered And the castle already made didn't take into consideration that the is inclined So, the work started, mostly about correcting or minimizing the mistakes more updates soon, the build is already a bit further ahead than this post
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