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Everything posted by LFNokia

  1. The final look of the deck, here are a few pictures, video will follow in a bit
  2. quick question, these areas should have treenails? thanks in advance for the help
  3. Trial and error as usual, until i got what i was looking for, this is the final look of the deck, planks and treenails missing the caulking, i didn't bother with it on the tests Quite curious to see this on a big surface
  4. Keel and ribs, everything was very straight, no major issues with warping or anything like that, very good fit of every piece Any suggestions regarding the videos are appreciated Also, would it be preferable if i just link the video and post just pictures on the thread?
  5. does anyone know, considering a 1/90 scale, how long should the boards for the decks be?
  6. Nothing much, just the rest of the unpacking Now the build starts...
  7. The time has come to start a new project, while building Robert E Lee i've purchased the Santissima Trinidad from Occre, Occre sells the full kit and the kit divided in 6 packs, wich is what i have aqquired. I also got the Santissima Trinidad cross section kit that i intend to display together at the end and that i will include on this build log. At the moment the idea/goal is to make it heavy weathered, painted, and copper the hull, although plans are always subject to change, and i did considered several other approaches, this is at the moment the plan. As for the kit itself, the quality of the materials is overall good, but we all know that it is lacking in certain aspects, particularly the stern is really quite bad, and overall, it lacks details/decorations, as i go i'll try to adress some of this and hopefully improve on the kit a bit I've also decided to try something new, and i will try to make videos of the construction, here is my 1st attempt Unboxing packs 1 and 2 Hope you enjoy and give me some time to improve my video editing skills Hope you join me on this journey (loooooong journey)
  8. And the finished product, it needs a couple coats of varnish, and i'm working on a simple display case I will take proper and better pictures once this is completed, but here are a few pictures of the final result Thanks for everyone that liked and commented. This one is over, i'll see you guys soon on a new thread.
  9. Today we document the journey of the smokestacks 1. we airbrush black primer 2. airbrush rust colour 3. airbrush light rust 4. airbrush orange rust 5. apply dark brown RLM61 with a sponge 6. splater orange rust with a brush and a tooth pick 7. Airbrush rust wash to act as a filter to tie everything together 8. Airbrush chipping medium 9. Airbrush Black 10. Chip away some of the black 11. apply pigments 12. matt varnish and final result Hope you enjoy the smokestacks journey, was fun for me...
  10. Nothing to be sorry about, i did went to a very weathered look, and as anyting in this hobby, i might have overdone it a bit, i'm also aware of that Also the intent was always to test different thecniques to prepare for the santisima trinidad, that i'm also going for a very weathered look, i've played arround with indian ink, with vinager and steel wool solution, i've used washes, i've used pigments (i've fooled arround with oil painting but didn't use on th model), i've tested 3 or 4 different products to oxide different metals and i've improved my knowledge on what to use and where to use it for a certain look, wich is exactly what i wanted before going for the santisima trinidad. And the fact that the white makes mistakes pop, weathering allows me to hide them, hehe, also have to be honest here. Thanks for the kind words, i do have a few more pictures, i'll update the thread soon
  11. Now for the final weathering, i'm overall happy with the result, but you guys know how this works, seems there's always a bit to touch here and there the longer you look at it
  12. Weathering the rails, took a bit of trial and error, until i finally found something that i liked the look of it, so this is the result, pics from the railings, inside and outside
  13. thanks for the encouraging words I got the saws from hobbyking the saws come unassembled, and without power supply, but considering the price i'm really happy with them, although i've only cut a couple pieces of wood to test them out
  14. Considering th next steps on the build, the boat will not b that easy to move arround, flip and overall handle, some areas won't be as easy to acces, so the time as come, to complete some of the aging process, starting by the bottom so i've retouched the hull, did some aging with pigments, and applied a couple of coats of matt varnish, here are the photos of the process and a few of the final result
  15. i'm getting a bit behind on the log, let me try to catch up
  16. Thank you for the coments and the likes here is today's progress
  17. Not sure what these are called, so, just some pictures
  18. The railings A poor attempt at bending, used a lid of a jar The columns/pillars 1st Markings for the holes Marking for the drill Holes drilled Painted white Aged Final result Final result on the other side The copper wire was blackened with Brass Black, but applied with a brush, not dipped, to keep some of the copper showing a bit
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