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Everything posted by smarra

  1. I think I spent most of the time so far on this project glueing the gun port sills in again after breaking while sanding. Still need to sand off 1/32+, but yes it is a lot stronger than before, not breaking every minute. Progress will slow on the build now, between my younger son's college visits, football, and lacrosse prospect camps and my other 2 sons moving to Quincy Massachusetts today my time will be limited for the next week or so.
  2. Upper counter planked and transom installed. Added more filler blocks to the stern, those planks will have quite a bend to them and I felt like it needed the extra support.
  3. Port side is now complete, I'm happier with how it turned out compared to the starboard side.
  4. Completed the starboard planking above the wales. Satisfied with how the bow came out. Generally the planning looks ok, not great. Could have done a better job around the gun and sweep ports. I'll make a jig for the other side so that they are more evenly spaced. I guess this side will be to the back when displayed.
  5. Gun ports and sweeps painted. First plank is bent, the second one is now drying.
  6. I now moved into new territory for myself, as this is my first planked wooden ship. I have been comfortable in my skills up to this point. We'll see how this next phase of planking the ship goes.
  7. Gun ports are framed and faired to the bulkheads. The sanding seems to take forever, since I need to gingerly sand it down to avoid breaking anything. Now on the the sweep ports.
  8. I'm finding that out, just sanding very lightly at this point. That is why it is taken so long to move on the the next step. Hopefully as more wood is added it gets stronger.
  9. I have been sanding for what seems like forever. Mostly because I'm chicken to use a courser grit sand paper. Port sills and lintels mostly sanded at this point. A few pieces came loose and had to be glued agian. Just need to clean up the bow a little more before moving on.
  10. I put them there in hopes of keeping the keel and bulkheads straight.
  11. Between the 4th and my son's lacrosse tournaments not much accomplished till today. Lower gunport sills are in place on both sides.
  12. Temporary battens installed and bulkheads marked for the top of the gun port sills.
  13. I have been following your build and I'm very impressed with your workmanship. If my build comes out even half as good as yours I'll be thrilled.
  14. I've read in other build logs of the template not lining up, that no longer seems to be the case. It lines up spot on for both sides.
  15. Created a building board to keep the keel straight and glued in the rest of the bulkheads. Filler blocks have been cut but not glued yet.
  16. The bulkheads are faired and all but three bulkheads are glued in place. Not sure where I saw on this site about the lego blocks for squaring the bulkheads, but it has worked out perfectly so far. The keel is still pretty much square. I'll add balsa filler blocks next to keep it that way.
  17. Rabbet strip installed last night, rabbet carved tonight. Still need to sand smooth.
  18. Preformed the rabbet strip. Dry fit the bulk heads, the stern looks to line up nice. The bow not so much, The second bulk head bevel line falls short of the bearding line. I guess I'll remark to the bearding line and bevel from there, worst case I guess I'll have to do more sanding when fairing the hull.
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