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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. The drawing of all frames at scale 1/72 is done (following step of plan's report will be the keel) :
  2. I received this morning the 1/72 edition : First step : preparing all paper frames and order the different woods for building skeleton...
  3. Comparing the sizes between the future Saint-Philippe at scale 1/72 and Model Shipways USS Confederacy :
  4. I inform you that my order for the 1/72 mono of St Philippe will be send to me next Monday... After recept, I hope starting this new challenge 😀
  5. Last news of my new project : I decided to reduce scale from 1/48 (120 cm) to 1/72 (90 cm) : the first version would be too large for my home... 🤔 I shall start a new thread at scale 1/72 when ready (after reception of right scaled monography i've to buy)
  6. Thanks Steven I have the project of modelling a simplified version of the Saint-Philippe, a french at time of Louis XIVth, a three decked war ship, but I have first to read all the documentation (weight = 4 kg... 😘) At scale 1/48, it's a 1.20 m length baby :
  7. I close this topic with a last session of my "evening pics", today, the king Sun is out of strike :
  8. End of built : I have no doc for going further : Thanks to all friendly followers of this forum ☺️
  9. Then, gluing the first group of six cleats (not so easy it seems to be... 😋) :
  10. Ten cleats prepared about the sixteen provided, fast like :
  11. My usual evening pics, the next with a zoom macro 14 x :
  12. Nobody knows, but Jesus... ☺️ I've choosen the second, because it seemed to me easer making same all the sixteen pieces :
  13. Today tests, about the range-cleats (I prefer the left one, less difficult than the right two) :
  14. Preview of shipyard's ending : Green drawing shows a without sail model
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