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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. It will be the case of all which will support upper decks in order to enforce the structure before out planking
  2. The ninth frame, 56% is done (not glued) : After each adding of wooden cut, I verify all curves and alignments to be safe
  3. Could an administrator move this interessant discussion into appropriated topic : Charles Galley by Allan ? Thanks, Christian
  4. Hi Bruce, I fix my bulwarks with two opposed half notches (male and female), one down the mould, and other up the keel Regards, Christian
  5. i have a dictionnary of marine vocabulary of 18th century... but you have to open it for use... Moby Dick's monograph exists also at scale 1/36 = length 2.20 m 😘
  6. The two solutions without sinking gammonings : I suppose that the piece 204 don't arrive at height of upper volute (hances and standard knee are different pieces)
  7. Here I show you a redraw of plan using your recommendation, and water line cheated down 1/8" (around 3-4 mm) : The ropes will be out of water, but with the decorative element hidden by gamonning, without inconvenient, it's not an immortal masterpiece of Art 😋
  8. The first rail is almost finished, closer to a work of sculpture than of engraving : Then, like pancakes, turn it, and start again the same work of cook, without burn out 😘
  9. I had inform you that I decided to follow my first idea about gammoning of S-Philippe, I cannot follow the sinking ropes... 😘
  10. @Hubac's Historian I received a notification of a message titled "test" send by you, but I found any message on site ? What a curious mystery ! 😋
  11. I have the "choice" between an historic "probability of truth", and another approach, more "creative" J-C Lemineur wrote to me that my proposition had existed, but later, then it would be an anachronism, that's also your point of view... I shall take a moment of reflection before a definitive decision 😘
  12. Yes, it's what you've understood, If you know the kit of USS Conferderacy, it's the model i'm following for improve the S-P gamonning I shall not modify the waterline position, because it's an absolute reference for all the built
  13. Don't forget that these holes will be hidden under a furring deck, SP seems to be a little difficult, but nothing really impossible for me... 😘
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