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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. Last test, using kit pieces without any change It preserves well the line of bullwarks...
  2. The black strike is... not black 😋 Perhaps, I could prepare new pieces, like pic in attachment
  3. French : Merci Yves, Excepté l'option "noir intégral", j'ai simulé en vue générale, puis en vue rapprochée, le bois clair, puis le noir bordé d'un filet strié décoratif comme celui du gaillard d'avant Amitiés, Christian ---------- English : Thanks Yves Except "all black", I simulated through general view, then nearer view, clear wooden, then black with clear decorative outbooard rail, as done about forecastle Cheers, Christian
  4. I have a new idea, to let the quarterdeck rail clear and not black painting it as said into the guide It could give something like my pic in attachment What do you think about ?
  5. Beginning quarterdeck ceiling with red color test (first coat) Second pic shows false color... right color appears on first one
  6. Thanks to all followers ! Quarter deck hanging and lodging knees done (all masts not glued...)
  7. Hanging and lodging knees continuation (each adjusted, it's takes me much time...)
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