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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. I never said "never", I shall see later this question... 😉 It's the problem of this kit : poor quality of some accessories... 🤔
  2. Finaly, I decided to let provisory the model without the great garland and other back molded figures I don't like very much these too simplified accessories... 😣
  3. My solution, using a wood filler hidden behind the great garlands Therefore, these garlands can be glued nearer quarter gallery than the kit solution
  4. Rectification over garlands : the kit provides 24 garlands for 14 places, allowing the extension of those that are too short
  5. Thanks, dear modeller friends ! Before the break, a short visit of the glazier, improving the windows... (more difficult is to show it in photo... They are too transparent ! 😊)
  6. Other question : There are two complete sets of pieces for making the seven rear frames of the great cabin: is this a simple precaution, or should two be used for each window with acetate placed between them ?
  7. I dont understand use of the two parts named : "Spiling guide", and "Back place" (they are near laser cut longboat parts) Some ideas ?
  8. Yes, it is, and the wall were removable to make easy the gun manipulation (time of war) With the wall installed, cannons were removed (time of peace...) I am peace lover 😊
  9. I think it would be better adding a separation door between Officer conveniences and the quarter head Great cabin
  10. I've replaced the photo etched name of ship by a cleaner writer sample on paper It's not glued, I wait on your opinions about my interpretation...
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