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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. First gun-deck (electric light, which explains a yellow coloration of deck cover)
  2. Adding the simulated hull sheaves (such "nice details" appear on macro photo only... 😋) Look at brass gun's quality, compared with molded metal pieces of the kit...
  3. A little joke to test your attention: there is a mistake, who will discover it?
  4. The visual reality of guns on finished model : not very present 😛 I would find a better look, that's seems difficult...
  5. Tell me, what do you prefer (Out of historic knowledge...) : - brass or black cannons ? - Wooden or red painted carriers ? - Wooden or red painted wheels ? 
  6. I fixed a default about fore mast and mainmast size : 10 mm (and not 13 mm...) I 've cut new mast partners
  7. At time of USS Confederacy, the wheels of gun carriers would be also red painted But Chuck did'nt, and I shall let natural wooden wheels as he did...
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