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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. @ Dubz Another detail: the smooth crown of the stern was never sculpted to facilitate the evacuation of water splashes, and preferably tarred to protect the wood from cracking caused by the sun
  2. One detail: textured smooth nails are never nailed with exposed heads Nails are poisonous for modellers health 🤢 Under 1/30 scale : strengstens verboten !
  3. The gun's natural wooden carriers with brass twelve pounder cannons The underwater hull is quite visible, without any préparation...
  4. No checker-board : the real one would be painted, without any interest, and not with wooden little squares, which never existed : the future Republic of United States had less money than United Kingdom... 😋
  5. This afternoon, I've prepared to morrow works and stored garlands for next Christmas 😛
  6. I never said "never", I shall see later this question... 😉 It's the problem of this kit : poor quality of some accessories... 🤔
  7. Finaly, I decided to let provisory the model without the great garland and other back molded figures I don't like very much these too simplified accessories... 😣
  8. My solution, using a wood filler hidden behind the great garlands Therefore, these garlands can be glued nearer quarter gallery than the kit solution
  9. Rectification over garlands : the kit provides 24 garlands for 14 places, allowing the extension of those that are too short
  10. Stern windows done, and preparing paint of decorative drops and fourteen garlands
  11. Thanks, dear modeller friends ! Before the break, a short visit of the glazier, improving the windows... (more difficult is to show it in photo... They are too transparent ! 😊)
  12. Other question : There are two complete sets of pieces for making the seven rear frames of the great cabin: is this a simple precaution, or should two be used for each window with acetate placed between them ?
  13. I dont understand use of the two parts named : "Spiling guide", and "Back place" (they are near laser cut longboat parts) Some ideas ?
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