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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. The down enforcements, in red color : A not very difficult job, but a long process, because each piece must be separately adjusted...
  2. Hello Allan, Here the USS Confederacy's channels built : and this other built of channels about HMS Royal Caroline ; No difference with the built visible about the Saint Philippe About the general rule, I cannot say anymore...
  3. Thanks Roger Before gluing and equization, testing enforcements of forst front channel :
  4. I ordered 2 mm thick walnut planks for remake the channels, the first version was too thick (4 mm) Thanks to al my followers, I am coming soon 😋
  5. Good news : the plan's scan and the windows cut are all right, the windows built would follow this step without any problem :
  6. En français, la pensée du jour : S'éloigner de ce qui n'est pas logique est un bon moyen d'approcher la vérité
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