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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. Hi Slowhand, Thanks for your kind remarks 😁 I used a Proxxon for adjusting planks, I've always done all my models with only this tool, without any lime : The bulkheads were cut with a scroll saw, and gun-ports at each plank, with the small steel saw illustrated, well following the draw : Regards, Christian
  2. Preparation of the upper quarter-badges (the rails continue below without interruption) : The false windows line will be convex to advance the middle finishing of quarter-gallery
  3. Middle gun-ports range rebates were glued and adjusted, an I followed the work about back walnut stern upper parts :
  4. Happy new year to all modellers ! 😀 Next step : hundred gun-port rebates, each glued inside, as shown on this illustration pic ▼
  5. Upper pic (red colored) as the provided plan, or down pic (green colored) as I should prefer ?
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