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Status Updates posted by AlanDavison

  1. I intend to copper my model of Sphinx. I note that you will be supplying copper tape for the forthcoming Indy model. Are you able to give me details of the copper tape, make, size etc and how I can purchase it

    thank you

    Alan Davison

    1. chris watton

      chris watton

      Hello, I am yet to finalise this, but the width will be around 6mm

  2. I say 20 or 32 gun Frigate, there is already a 38 by way of Diana, old kit but nevertheless less the subject seems to be popular.

    I would love to see a model of Pandora, but that's a 24 gun ship!

    I would also like to see all ships boats included, seats of ease, flag lockers, stoves, binnacle etc; which ever ship you decide to kit out,  but that just me.  

  3. Perhaps ac stencil might work

  4. Hope Chris's next kit is something with three masts. A light frigate would be nice!

    1. Vane


      He seam to make them bigger and bigger but we will see.... HMS Bristol would be an interesting build

  5. Chris,

    Nice to know that Speedy is almost there. It will be the pear / cherry version for me

  6. Just sent a pleasurable hour reading through the construction manual for Speedy.

    I am most impressed with the new innovations Chris is introducing e.g. Laser printed deck, prefabricated hatches and combings, resin cannon and more photo etch (PE) than you can imagine. Only one more innovation to go - 3D printing??

  7.  Chris

    Good news indeed about Speedy. Will hopefully see it on sale in early November.

    Regarding Alert which I am building, can I say what an excellent kit this is. I am half way through first planking and have had no problems so far, country to some of the comments in the building logs posted elsewhere . But, and there is usually a but, I note you do not include any rigging for the guns, I assume this was to keep costs down. Secondly I note you have not shown any foot ropes to the sail yards or man access to the Topgallant sail yard which I believe might have been a rope ladder. Nevertheless less, despite my "buts" a truly cracking kit.

    1. chris watton

      chris watton

      Hi Alan,

      Thank you. I am sure cutters did not have footropes on yards, as the sails were set near the deck, the yards were brought down, much like the royal yards on larger ships. I know the Anatomy of the Ship book shows no footropes, too.


      Regarding rigging for guns, I personally hate it because they never look right, especially at such a scale, so I never add them on any of my models if I can help it - it had nothing to do with keeping costs down. Contemporary models never show the carriage tackle, and the models look all the cleaner for it. However, I think for the larger models, I will include it, as I know many do like to add this.


      Thank you,



    2. AlanDavison


      Hi Chris,

      Thanks for your comments, I only mentioned footropes as they are shown a 1/48 scale scratch built model by Krall Attila in a series of photographs show on a Hungarian(?) web site by the name of "Shipmodell".

      I take your point regarding gun tackles and I apologise if I seemed to suggest you were skimping in order to reduce costs.

      I am looking forward to the forthcoming Speedy which I understand is close to release.


      Kind regards


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