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  1. Thank you for the heads up. I actually didn't intend on joining the site to sell things, I actually came as a hobbyist. I love building models and I really want to start doing so more often.
  2. Thank you!
  3. My name is Dan and I've been building plastic scale models for over 20 years. I am very interested in naval design from all eras, but I am probably most interested in the 1830's to through 1880, when Steam was just starting to show up and and there were so many changes taking place in ship design. In addition to my interests as a modeler, I am also a member of the Shipbucket, and draw pixel art drawings of ships with them. I also own a 3D printing model kit company called Out of the Box Models. We are a 100% crowdsourced model company, meaning all of our kits are proposed and sponsored by our customers. I am excited to get involved here and get to know everyone!
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