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About GConiglio

  • Birthday 02/12/1962

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    Terni, Italy

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  1. Back to INGOMAR!! Hi all, after a long time (summer, repairing RC sailplane) I'm back to finish this lovely ship. Bowsprit iron works and stays have been installed. Ciao
  2. Hi all! Summer activities are gone. The shipyard is going to restart. Ciao!
  3. Thanks a lot of your like and comments, Mike Y, aviaamotor, Rick01and Albert!! Building is suspended due to other summer activities, but I'm going to continue shortly. Now I'm involved to repair my rc-glider. Your likes and comments are pushing me to continue! Ciao
  4. Hi all. Long time since last post about the nice schooner “Ingomar”. Now she’s waiting due to a new building: POF OF the schooner “Enterprize” a small ship built in Hobart, Tasmania. Why this ship? The fact is that I have since 1996 a nice plan drawn by K.H. Marquardt, enclosed in a number of “Model Shipwright”. This is the first POF. The method is similar to the method H.Hahn, but not completely the same. The same is the way to prepare frames. I bought very fine pearwood sheets from ARKOWOOD. Pictures show the first steps. Frames are only positioned not fixed. I'll alternate working both ships INGOMAR and ENTERPRIZE. Ciao!
  5. Hi all. Long time since last post. I'm a discontinued builder, although continuously interested to read NRG forum and books. Anyway, masts are installed, anchors are ready, obtained from a 2mm thick brass plate. Ciao!
  6. Allan, che coincidenza!! (conosci l'italiano?) This wonderful book solved the enigma of crosstrees. I'm courious to see your work!! Ciao, Giorgio
  7. Just today I received this nice book. The front picture shows the Ingomar! It'easy to check that crosstrees have to be installed!!
  8. Hi Allan, I appreciate your post, thank you. The Ingomar is mainly based on the Chapelle book, other books are shown in my first post. Furthermore I've bought 20 years ago a useful drawing from David Mc Gregor. This helps, but the problem is always the same: it's not easy to find a definitive source about rigging. For example, I wonder if crosstrees shall be installed! About the rope, I bought Chuck Passaro ropes in the diameter I suppose fit better in my scale. Anyway, I think the better source is Chapelle book. I'm going to update the build log in the next days: these pictures show the masts simply fitted in their holes, and not completely aligned. I hope to exchange more informations about fishing schooners with you! Ciao, Giorgio P.S.: the b/w picture in the first photo shows Neil Armstrong as a child with a aircraft flying model. I'm a RC-aeromodeller also!
  9. Hi all! Long time to prepare masts and accessories. In particular mast hoops: first prepared turning a copper tube. Not ok. Then soldering copper strips. Not ok. Finally, wrapping paper around a wood rod. Result ok!! Ciao!
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