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Everything posted by Wiktor.L

  1. 2 part epoxy, or good company CA. Or glue stricte to metal parts. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=969&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=F9ouXYe7McSFrwTrwZXYDg&q=metal+glue&oq=metal+glue&gs_l=img.3..0j0i30l5j0i5i30l4.3779.5930..6149...0.0..0.115.957.6j4......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39j0i67.vRSBGhCYUgM
  2. Hi. i end the model. If you want to see full version please check the link: (polish language) http://www.koga.net.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=523&t=47232&p=85006#p85006
  3. Hi. I build that model with diorama 2 weeks, as break from main projects. For paint the ship i use the what ihad in the hand-vallejo, tamiya, citadel paints. In that scale i think model watch not bad. Only model without diorama watch not good, but in the ocean...... Maybe i add to much effects (ship swim to fast) but in the 1st diorama i think effect is not good... I hope you like this
  4. Thanks. I end the cage to schooner, and start to cage the Vasa.
  5. I dont have idea to "support" bottom sides. Maybe some scrap from work room
  6. Hi. How you transport the models? I made something to convention at the beginning august. This is not end.
  7. Wyblinki są częścią olinowania stałego-stąd też powinny być tego samego koloru jak wanty-czyli ciemny brąz-czarny. Sam mówisz, że Vasy nie skończe, więc takiej okazji mieć nie będę
  8. Ratlines is the part of stand rigging, and that must be the same colour like shrouds. Vasa is buty!
  9. Yep, engine is in the back. There are 120 numbers, with really small parts stretched to 3year, 4numbers per month... But for Polish people "Fiat" is a piece of history.... Read about it in Wiki :D. Regards.
  10. Hi. At the very beginning i dont know is it in a good department... While time ago i end this model, but today it have a "plexi cabinet". He will not get dusty....
  11. Hi. I glue all bulwarks and draw the spike. And i make the trial studding on the down part of the model.
  12. Hi. I glue the few rows of planks nad glue the (i cant find the english name of this fatter plank, sorry ) On my unhappines planks who is under the fatter plank do not cover. This is my fault-before 2nd planking i have not appointed the fatter plank.... All my studding i based on book " the royal warship vasa" and Vasa model 1/10 i stockholm museum.
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