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Mike Esposito

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Everything posted by Mike Esposito

  1. Wow! Beautiful job. I've been modelling for 30 years. No wooden kit experience though. Would you recommend this kit for a novice? Thanks and great build.
  2. Thanks. AL website says that the kit is redone with pre sewn sails! Were earlier kits different? Is this OoP kit a new edition? Ok. I was able to find a copy. For my 1st wooden ship kit I have it narrowed down to the AL Jolie Brise and the Amati Drakkar kit.... Which is easier/ better?
  3. This sounds like a perfect 1st kit. Modern plans on CD, pre-sewn sails, only 1 mast. See that it is not available. I contacted AL and they said 1 year till Restock? Wow! I guess it is a popular kit. Is this a normal occurrence? Does it really take this long? Thanks
  4. Is this kit good for a 1st wooden ship kit? I've built plastic kits for decades. This kit was in the garage for years. I was also thinking of the Amati Drakkar kit as well. I'm 61 and always wanted to get into this hobby. Nows the time!😁 Thanks all
  5. Would you guys recommend this kit for a newbie to wooden ship building?
  6. Thanks. Was thinking of that.
  7. Wow! Would love to see a 1/350 or even a 1/700 Carnot pre-dreadnought! French made some weird ones..😁
  8. Yes. Looks like the inventory is in order.. I'll post some pics.
  9. For tools, I have many types of blades for my X actors knife, plenty of files and sandpaper. Plan to buy a miter box and plank bender-the Mantua one. I have CA glue 3 different thickness, carpenter's glue. I think that's enough to start... maybe go to Home depot and buy some wood gouges?
  10. Thanks! Sure will.
  11. Here is what I decided on. It's a solid hull kit. I figured that even if I didn't finish, I will gain valuable experience in planking, rigging, sails ect. It cost $50 +$14 shipping. Purchased on Ebay a few hours ago. Hopefully all the parts are there. 🤔 I plan to make a build log when she arrives....
  12. Thanks. I'm just worried that I won't finish. I started the cutter Alert years ago. Never finished. I have been building model aircraft kits for decades. Tired of it. Always fascinated by tall ships from 15th to late 19th century. Should I build a plastic kit 1st I wonder?
  13. Good quality? Instructions ok? Good for my 1st wood ship build? Was eyeing the San Rafael kit. Maybe the Yacht America? Thanks
  14. Thanks guys. I'll pass on it. It is a yellow boxed kit. You guys described it to a "T". Its too bad. I love the Essex. Read a history of this fine ship years ago. Robotti and Vescovi. Colorful career. Thanks for the advice.
  15. I see this is available on Ebay for 70usd. Any opinions on this kit. I know it's old, but it is a solid hull. Would it make a good 1st wooden ship kit? Thanks
  16. In regards to this question: does anybody use vacuformed sails? Is there a way to make these look better?
  17. Thanks guys! Not sure yet...dont want to spend too much...under $100 usd. Is the Dumas skipjack OK?
  18. I was looking at the Chesepeake Skipjack kit from Dumas as well. I want something easy to build for my 1st wooden ship kit. No planking...yet.
  19. Hi. Does any body know anything about this kit or Company? I am looking to build a 1st wooden ship kit and this was offered on Ebay: ;https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264110432284 Any help or suggestions for a first wooden ship kit would be appreciated. Thanks all.
  20. Hi everyone. I'm an experienced plastic modeller, but a novice tall ship modeller. Looking to try my hand at wooden ship models soon. Looking forward to finding out more techniques from all the experts here. Thanks
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