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Posts posted by mfrazier

  1. I read through the posts here about planes and still have some question. I want a plane to use on the hull planks for fitting. Since these boards are so small, it would seem a very small plane wood be best. The ones you mentioned in the posts seem like they may be kind of big for what I have in mind. Am I wrong here? Is there a particular plane available that is good for working on the edges of these small boards?


           Hello everyone. My name is Mark Frazier. I live in Mercer, Pennsylvania.I discovered this forum a few days ago and it looks like a good place to be. I have built many things in life , including a couple of houses two garage shop buildings and including some model ships years ago. I am a retired master machinist and tool and die maker. I also have a degree in industrial electronics engineering and industrial mechanical engineering. I had my own home machine shop for years and built many of my own machines and tooling from scratch. I also had a home woodworking shop for years and built a lot of furniture and cabinetry projects. I built many types and various skill level projects and models in the years past, but very few ships ( although I always was fascinated by them).  I was forced to retire  several years early due to medical problems and wound up in a wheelchair a few years ago, and now at age 67 can no longer work in the wood shop or the machine shop. So, I decided to renew my interests in model building as I can do it in the house from my wheel chair. My doctor said "get a new hobby and stay busy" , soooo ....  here I am, embarking on another adventure.  I am looking at a couple of ship model kits from Occre and trying to decide which one to order in the next couple of days. I hope to meet some new friends here and most likely will be seeking some advice on building a new model. Oh ...... and even though they say I will be in this wheelchair forever, I don't buy that. I am presently working on my own at walking again and having some success ( I refuse to stay in this chair permanently and believe eventually to be back on my feet all the time again.)

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