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About Mr.Big

  • Birthday August 5

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Connecticut shoreline (Long Island Sound)
  • Interests
    I’m now working on The USS New York 1799; a bash of Aeropiccola’s USS Constitution. My next project which I have started will be a scratch build of the USS New York 1776 & USS Philadelphia 1776.

    I am heavily into the American Revolution especially whaleboat wars of CT & Long Island; NY battlefields (the civil wars in NY state (1775-1780) as also in NC & SC( 1779-1783); Partake in re-enactments with the Connecticut 5th Regiment.

    War of 1812; British History: Crimean War & Victorian era politics;

    Like playing stock market. Music interests Alternative rock, New Wave, Post Punk Fallout, Beethoven & Romantic eras of Classical, Verdi & Puccini Opera.

    Coin collector mostly US (ANA member #LM4560) lifetime member of American Numismatic Association: over 30 years

    Travel through and throughout the BEAUTIFUL USA 🇺🇸 & lovely Canada 🇨🇦 Go to Montreal Jazz Festival almost annual.

    Enjoy American Revolution especially esoteric participants as Lt Col Meigs & whaleboat wars of CT, Lt Col Willet: hero of Mohawk & Wyoming Valleys, Sgt Mjr Pietro Francisco: the 6’7 260# Calvary man of solid muscle who served under Col William Washington (George’s cousin), Sybil Ludington (NY real Paul Revere as she made a40 mile ride Paul was caught) and her father Col Ludington, Mjr Talmadge, Com, Barney, Com Barry, etc.

    Enjoy going to US National Parks (Joshua Tree, Bryce & Smoky Mountains are my favorites.  Also US National Monuments, Battlefields, Forts & Forests.  Various State Parks: Goblin in UT, Lechtworth in NY, Natural Bridge in KY & Ricketts Glen in PA are favorites.  Been to several Canadian National Parks (Banff, Jasper, Frontenac, Illes de Boucherville) Travel to UK (wife is British) & Europe every 3-4 years.

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  1. I use Cornwall https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk and sometimes modeldockyard https://www.model-dockyard.com. Both are in the UK so us Americans 🇺🇸don’t pay the vat which I believe is 21% but we have to wait a few weeks for customs clearance so pay the few extra $ for tracking. I ordered the 19th and it still in transit 10 days later. An example is copper fittings cost $3.00 for 100 but you look at US or Canadian stores and they want anywhere from $10 up. It is one of the FEW & ONLY things I have seen cheaper than in the USA. The other is baby formula. My wife is a dual citizen US & Australia 🇦🇺 but her family is mostly in UK 🇬🇧 (long story) & I have family in Spain 🇪🇸 & Portugal 🇵🇹& most of them are university educated her family and mine so by their definition (not ours) they’re middle class in status not working. I did a post masters degree at London School of Economics, I lived over there for 16 months. The Europeans go ballistic when they come here. In the summer Clinton & Westbrook CT Outlets don’t speak English. Jeans for $20 not £100 €115 or getting a Hilfinger or Lauren polo shirt for $25 not £130 €145. NYC is cheap to them. My wife says their fittings are cheaper over in Europe as no one has any money for hobbies after trying to pay mortgage and food so they can’t jack that stuff up. I am not rich but to them I’m a Getty l, Bloomberg or a Trump. She gets ultra depressed after visiting. My P.O.V.
  2. Congratulations!! Real nice job on the model and restoration of the feline damage. I've been there too as my cat likes teething on the dowels for the mast and one time attacked the rigging thread but it was material on the side and not on the ship.
  3. Hi, new here but not to modeling. I know what people think of Blue Shadow: is it really fiction? I am wondering if anybody ever bashed it or not? I got my hands on the plans of privateer Oliver Cromwell launched 1776 Essex, CT [CT River Museum & Mystic Seaport I believe have the plans too. [if on 95 all within 10 minutes stop off there as nice town on CT River; also stop in Groton for the USS Nautilus and Fort Griswald, across the Thames River is US Coast Guard Academy [ USS Eagle is in port except in summer] -- all free.]. As I see except for the stern and a mizzenmast very similar. Also close to War of 1812 USS Wasp & USS Hornet. Anybody ever bash the "Blue Shadow?" Did is anyone ever make the Oliver Cromwell? I'll post the Cromwell plans site: zip file: REMOVED LINK BECAUSE IT VIOLATED COPYRIGHTS. REMOVED BY ADMIN. (My wife is Brit & can't understand why we named a ship after her word the bloody nut Cromwell. CT was a Puritan state (would hang Catholic & Quakers, Baptist, etc. & to celebrate Christmas was a hanging sentence as it was seen Papist at the Revolution time. CT hid the 3 judges that condemned Charles 1: Dixwell, Goff & Whalley and then named streets after them in New Haven by Yale U. ). [if on I-95 all within 10 minutes stop off there as nice town on CT River; also stop in Groton for the USS Nautilus and Fort Griswald, across the Thames River is US Coast Guard Academy training rig USS Eagle is in port except in summer] My friend owns a pawn shop & a high end miscellaneous item store (buys up business [Hallmark's, Jeweler's etc. inventory on closings) I picked up Aeropiccola USS Constitution 40 inches for $75 and Mamoli Rattlesnake for $110; and the Mamoli Blue Shadow for about $125. Are these ok models and did I get a deal or shafted? Thanks Rich from Coastal CT Second link removed by admin.....MORE PIRATED STUFF NOT ALLOWED. If you can get this old book from a library it is "old school" model handbook - has numerous plans. American ship models and how to build them by V.R. Grimwood. 1942 Norton, NYC (Book)
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