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sir francis haddock

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Everything posted by sir francis haddock

  1. Small side project I did in the week. The amazing thing is that it projects an 8 second film.
  2. A bit difficult, some of the rigging is not in the instructions. But I think it's ok. Getting close to finishing. 😊
  3. Another sail done. Getting faster at these. Thought I would get these peices in before the boom and sails. Must be easier without them in the way.
  4. Hi am back after a break. Small case of getting married. Hope to get back in full swing. Some more sails added. 😊
  5. Sails are going in. Seems to easy, must have done something wrong. 😉
  6. More rigging done, seems to be progressing much faster now. The halyards are quite tricky. 😀
  7. Been chipping away at the shrouds and the ratlines. So, so many. Tying every rat line takes forever.
  8. Hi LyleK1, didn't go with the ice shield because I thought not painted it would stand out a lot. I have painted the life boats, anchors and chimneys. These are cast metal so need to be painted. I also painted the masts, I used a very watered down acrylic just to stain the wood. The very pale colour of the dowl seemed to distracting. There really wasn't any logic to it, just what feels right. Good luck with your build. Would be awesome to see a pic. 😀
  9. Well spotted, I had read somewhere that the Terror had 2 cannons and 2 swivel guns. When I was ordering some extra parts from occre they had 2 sizes of extra cannons on there website. I did get 2 of the largest size but they aren't right for the age of the ship. (But I now have 2 model cannons do I'm happy) Cornwall models I found later, has a larger range of cannons and barrels. But not sure if I want to add more to the deck.
  10. Thank you RickyGene, been away from the project for a couple of weeks due to work and the general heat wave. looking forward to getting back on track and working my way through the rigging. As for the painting, anything from me would be guess work with a wood model. But it would seem likely the thinner the paint/ink the more the grain would remain. Is there a black varnish? I have been form the start looking up everything I can find on line about anything to do with models of the Terror, one was on youtube by a German (I think?) builder. Its not in English but he does show how he coloured and weathered the deck.
  11. Thanks Heinrich der Seefahrer for all the positive comments (and every one else). The grating looks very good and would take it to a higher level. Would be a great challenge . with more construction under my belt maybe then would be able to pull it of.
  12. Mine had a slight twist, but was able to put it straight while planking. Hope all the plarts are fine, shame about the box opening. Good luck with your build 😀
  13. Thank you very kind to say. Yes I have seen the diorama I think it looks cool 😉
  14. The yard arms took a surprising amount of time, but there is a lot going on in them. For the shroud I was pulling the string tight. I think this was the wrong way to go because the first mast the dead eyes were not level. For the 2nd mast shroud it was not ai tight. The ratlines got easier the more I did but it feels like knitting with tweezers.
  15. The masts were straight forward enough. It was easier to paint them in sections and then put them together. I recently got a rotary tool (it was very cheap, wasn't sure I would need it) and thought it would be a good opportunity to try it out on the holes for the mast. It was amazing and saved me so much time 😁. Now its starting to look like a proper ship.
  16. I decided after seeing the bowsprit made up that it could do with some variation to break up the dowl colour. So I'm going to water down some paint and use it more like a stain. I also moved the ropes and wood block on the 1st half up higher than where they are on the instructions. The placement on the instructions didn't match where they should be on the pictures.
  17. I ordered beeswax online and then used it on the line holding the ships boat. It makes a huge difference to candle wax. Then moved onto the pump handles, this has a lot of tight bends that were challenging and I had to do it twice. The anchor chains were straightforward though. The davits were ok, hardest part was trying to fix the eyebolts together at an angle with the superglue. But with theses attached and the brass rods at the bow, every time I move something is getting snagged. The anchor chain links are too small to fit the loop that the anchor is attached to. In the end I had to file a small bit of the loop.
  18. After the parts turned up I attached the wheel and rudder. I couldn't find beeswax anywhere so I used a candle. I don't think it made it any easier. still having a great time making this 😁
  19. While waiting for them to arrive I worked on the parts that go on the deck. Making them but not gluing them on till I had all finished. These were a change, up till now everything had been to do with the hull. But these are small parts made separate. All glued on and the 2 belay posts in there correct places. There is a small mark on the deck where the front one was, but it’s almost invisible. The one next to the main mast is covered by the pumps.
  20. Then the posts around the main mast where the pumps are between them, looked to close. First I thought I had made a mistake but placing the 4 buckets on the plans there is not room for them to fit in. so another post had to come up and move. But it’s easy to cover and fix. The 1to1 deck plan. At this point I had to decide about painting. I like the wood finish so I’m going to leave it unpainted. The model has metal plating for the bow (as it was meant to break through ice). This I will also be leaving off. Unpainted I just think it will look like I cut up a can of red bull and stuck it on. Next are the pillars. These are 1mm brass rods cut down and bent into loops at both ends. Then bent around the bumper and pinned into place. There are 70 needed, about half way through I realized that I would be about 14 short. The rods come in 100mm; again I thought I had made a mistake using too much? But I had cut them to the instructions lengths and I would still need more for other parts of the ship (like the pumps). I filled out the missing parts form on the Occre website and received an email that they would send the missing parts on.
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