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Everything posted by RBohlman

  1. I think I am at the point where I need suggestions as to be best way to do my fairing. Never having done anything like this type of modeling before, what is the best way to go about this?
  2. Today was a good day for working on my Winnie! The weather here was cool and the sky overcast. Only a few more bulkheads to cut out and fit to the bulkhead form. Started getting her setup for fairing her out.
  3. I got to work on the bulkheads this morning before it got hot. It is now 94 degrees, I am sure glad it is fall season now. 🙄 She is starting to fill in and now a little over half of the bulkheads are cut out and fitted on the bulkhead form.
  4. Working on cutting out bulkheads, fitting them to the bulkhead form, squaring them on the form and then gluing the bulkheads in place. I have had some bathroom plumbing repairs that I had to work on and it is still very hot here, so work on Winnie has been a bit slow.
  5. Completed the construction of my Build Board for my Winnie. Now, on to cutting out and fitting the remainder of my bulkheads on my WEN scroll saw.
  6. I finished my Bulkhead Form and my next step is to construct the Build Board. I have all the wood and parts needed but it is so very hot in the garage this afternoon , 102 degrees, here in Mississippi. I hope to do some table saw work in the morning!
  7. False Keel glue up coming together well! Keel & stand next after finishing bow section.
  8. Getting close to setting up the false keel on a base board. Not sure what size board to mount the false keel onto? Suggestions please!
  9. Guess I'm just cheep at heart ~ The $5.00+ per each 1/4" 2'x2' Home Depot plywood. Since it will be planked over anyway, I just went cheep for the False Keel & Bulkheads. I did go through the bin and picked out the best looking plywood pieces.
  10. Working on Brackets for false keel and finishing up cutting out false keel sections.
  11. I got to work some more on my Winnie this morning. I have been dry fitting my bulkheads to the false keels as I cut them out. I have not glued anything at this point just checked the fit of the sections as I cut them out.
  12. Getting ready to build my brackets and stand to support my Winnie as a construct her and have a few questions. What size is the wood base the model is build on in this early stage? What is the size of the wooden strips used between each bracket? Are the wood strips glued or screwed in place? What size screws are needed for the six (6) brackets? Thanks as always for the help!
  13. Received my Syren order yesterday, Chapter Two & Bracket laser wooden parts. I have started cutting out the bulkheads on my new Wen scroll saw, l am using an Olson PGT No. 7RG blade. The No. 7RG seems to work well, but being a newbie to scroll saw work, is this the best blade for cutting out the 1/4" plywood bulkheads? As always, Thanks for the help!
  14. I got to work a little on the printing and plywood cutouts for my Winnie. I had to stop before noon as the garage gets very hot here in central Mississippi. I plan to do some scroll saw work tomorrow morning early while it is still some what cool.
  15. Spent the morning getting my new scroll saw set up for Winnie. It gets hot here in Mississippi, so planning to do some practice work tomorrow and then start my False Keel and Bulkhead work.
  16. Printed and cut out pattern for False Keel yesterday. Made a trip to my local Home Depot for some 1/4" plywood and sandpaper. My Wen Scroll Saw should arrive from Amazon this afternoon and going to practice with it awhile before starting the cutting of any Winnie parts. Heading out the Walmart early this morning for a can of Krylon spray temporary glue.
  17. Thanks for shipping my orders so fast!


    Just ordered a scroll saw and need to know what thickness of plywood and how much is needed for the bulkheads etc.


    Thanks - RBohlman

    1. Chuck


      Check the materials list in the other tab of the group build.  There are tabs all along the top of the group area.  In there is all the info you will need.

  18. Received my order yesterday from Syren for the laser cut parts for Chapter One of the Winchelsea 1764 project. I ordered the parts for Chapter Two and the Brackets for the false keel last night. Ordered a Wren scroll saw and extra blades from Amazon this morning, I have also been watching YouTube videos on using a scroll saw.
  19. Final Photos of completed New Bedford Whaleboat. Thanks for all the help and comments during my build! Wishing you all fair winds & following sea!
  20. TO COMPLETE: Finish making the two Lances and add their lines. Mount them in the post Lance stand. Hand sew Tub covers and stencil "SB" also stencil "SB" on the Water Keg. (Starboard Boat) Make fake sew stiches on both Nippers. Make Grapnel hook for in boat stowage. Make a Boat Hook for Whaleboat per directions. Well Mates, that be all and she will be completed. I will post final photos once I finish her!
  21. Getting very, very close to finishing my New Bedford Whaleboat, so I ordered the laser cut parts for chapter one of the HMS Winchelsea this morning from Syren Ship Model Company. Looking forward to the fun of building her and learning about non-kit building!
  22. Working on harpoons and lances. I finished the install of the racks and attached two harpoons to the starboard rack. I am not sure at this time if I will be making the covers for the harpoons/lances as I like the look of the uncovered irons on the boat. Looks like all I have remaining is: 2 knives, 1 axe, 1 harpoon stand, some leather on a few spots, and a tub covers. Going to cover one tub but leave one without a cover. Think I will sew two and stow one next to the main tub. Going to mark the covers as to the boat location on the vessel.
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