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Rick Menapace

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Posts posted by Rick Menapace

  1. Thanks to you all, and Happy New Year!

    Jack12477, gesso to seal wood? I only know gesso to prime a canvas. How much do you dilute it?

    Vaddoc, is that a fact, Capela Sixtina? Shame the Buonarotti guy didn't know about Valejo.

    And Bob Cleek, for shellac. Glad to know it still does the job, even in a modern world.

    I'm ordering some Valejo paints, thinners, etc.

    Grazie! I think I'm gonna like being back.


  2. Thanks for the help and suggestions. I know of Vallejo because they do paints/stains for model railroads. Elmer's and TiteBond are still up there, eh? What do you use now to seal wood for painting? I've used Testor's DullCote but don't know if it's as good for wood as plastics.

    And I still need to try Kurt's suggestion of searching the forums for such things; will probably get a few opinions there, ya think?



  3. Hi, I re-joined on Dec. 11 after 35 years away. (A lifetime ago in more ways than one. But movin' right along ...)

    I'm building the Benjamin W, Latham from a (35-year-old) Model Shipways kit,1/8-inch scale. It's for my great-niece, and will have her name on it - with your help.

    My brain has been happily shifting back into ship-model mode. (My library never left.) But what's killing me is that I don't know anything about the paints, adhesives, glues, stains, sealers, finishes, etc. that are being used these days!

    I come from the Floquil and Polly-S era, with a little Humbrol. I use both airbrush and sable. The only current sealer I've used is Testor's DullCote.

    Thanks very much for whatever help you want to share!


  4. Hello there ... again?

    It's been ... oh, maybe 35 years? Back then I called Merritt Edson a friend, mentor, critic, source and, on more than one occasion, a savior.

    Recently, I started opening old boxes - lots of old boxes - and was greeted by the smell of wood and loads of everything ship modelling and nautical history from a lifetime ago. I was a goner. Now, there's a two-year-old great niece who doesn't yet know that there's a Grand Banks schooner with her name on it. Literally.The launch is, hopefully, the week after Christmas, if I can wipe my rust off fast enough.

    By the way, I'm doing my old Model Shipways Benjamin W. Latham, 1/8 scale, waterline, with (hopefully) some custom details and scratch-built deck fittings and structures like the old days - again, if I can wipe my rust off.

    You'll be hearing from me.

    It's good to be back.


    Rick Menapace

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