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Everything posted by gulfmedic1

  1. hi MIke glad to see someone else new like me and you are from Louisiana woo hoo as you will see in my build log I am not very far into the build, my biggest issue todate was the keel but Im working through it and getting good progress, as mentioned here each little succes is a great feeling I will be posting more pics by the weeks end if you come across something you found that worked for you please let me know.
  2. awsome thanks Wayne hey just curious, what is the difference between POB and POF. I am looking into the future and if a good sale pops up I would like to grab my next build and have it waiting. any suggestions on a good starter plaking build. I read the article in MSW and they had some suggestions but I was looking for some input.
  3. ok here we go, I did some work on my build this weekend I fared the midship templete (you were right Trip just getting that part to fit was a great feeling) I did run into some issues, I think its because im not understanding somethin. I am still haveing issues with the keel. I put the false keel on the hull pins and seemed like everything looked good, but you cant fare the hull with the false keel on. when I finished the midship templet and it was correct where it showed the centerling would be is not close to where I marked. Not sure if im doing something wrong. the pics below show the templet number 5 after it has been fared also for those who are new like me the number two templete didnt fit at all so I will have to sand the keel some more for it to fit. also how do you insert pics with comments above the pic?
  4. trip i havent done anysanding on the midship templet yet i was wanting to make sure i was on the right path thanks for the input ill start that tonight and go from there now when you talk about the hull needing more sanding are you refering to the hull templetes or the keel itself
  5. ok all this is where I am, I am in the process of marking the hull to do the Keel (think thats right) and then start the fairing of the hull, but I have a couple of questions I read the practicum and Chuck says to mark it with the red and blue lines i am having issues with this, i dont know if i have sanded the keel enough to be flat, i am looking at doing the black 1/8 stripe tape instead of the lines finding the center is killing me ( i really think i am reading to much into this) i am using the build plans to mark my hull markings is this the right way also when i line up the number 5 templete i see the letter "c" does this mean this mark should be in the center of the keel
  6. I followed Chucks instructions and used the kits instructions in combination. It makes it much easier the way Chuck explains by trimming an 1/8" off the stern post. For new guys understand there is still a good bit of sanding to get the templets to meet
  7. Hi all This is my first wood ship build period, so far I am really enjoying it, thanks for all the input on my other topics you guys are great. I am in the beginning parts and have only done the Keel area and now I am about to start fairing the hull. These are my pics so far. Like everyone else any comments, hints are very welcomed. I will try to be as detailed as possible so anyone else who is new can follow. Thanks for looking at my build
  8. Skerry thanks i think the wood that came with it is that size maybe a little trimming will need to be done
  9. as you can see here on hopefulls pic the mid deck line is a clean cut
  10. so i am working on the trimming of the hul and also the parts on the deck that need to be trimmed to spec as you can see they didnt do a real good job around the mid deck area like i have seen on other Phantom models on others there is a clean line of where this lip is on mine they kind of rolled it together with the bottom deck so i had to measure and make sure i get the lip in the right area. my question is on Chucks build instructions he says this board that goes there is 1.5mmx3mm can someone tell me which is height and width.
  11. Good deal thanks
  12. So my work place is basically in my garage when im not using the island is it ok to leave everything in the garage when im not working on it since the garage is not ac controlled
  13. you guys have been great, I am about to start my build but I am a little confused, I put the bow templet on the boat and the templete sticks up about a quater inch higher than the top rail of the bow. From what I can tell if I do any sanding it will make that height increase. what i am asking is, is the templet correct and when i start shaping will it line up see photo.
  14. When using airbrush and acrylics how do u thin them and what is the ratio
  15. Well the Phantom arrived, first off hats off to modelexpo, it was on back order I made the order on the 20th and it was here on the 27th. Did what everyone said and did a parts check. the only thing missing was two 1/8" double blocks I emailed model and they are sending the parts i have some pics, im not sure but it seems like there is a lot of trimming for the corners, I must say as for a beginner i think it will be challenging but wow the parts are small. well i will start in on it soon i cant wait I will deffinatley be asking for help. thanks guys Just an fyi for anyone who has not ordered this model, if you use the rain13 code it only comes with 4 paint colors not 6 the tools are cheaper tools but they will make good for having extra tools around. I dont remember if i asked this, how do i know if i have a #11 exacto blade, i have a bunch but none have an 11 on it.
  16. Awsome, thanks Tom and Russ, also I just saw that my boat is on its way, I feel like a little kid again lol
  17. well i have just about everything i need, other than online can anyone recommend where to get all my clamps and i have a question about glue. I saw that the recommended glue is CA glue but it said something about for use on wood, when i went to Hobby Lobby i found the different types of CA glue but none of them said anything about being used on wood?
  18. awesome thanks all i talked to modelexpo today and i did get the model with paint and tools for 85 they were great and she said my back order should be in stock next monday so ill get it not long after
  19. Russ thanks and thats what i figured,
  20. ok so I see a lot of people talking about scale, i am familiar with scale due to plastic model, but only understanding is that i look at the scale then look at the specs why is such a big deal here i look at the specs to see the dimensions of the model and determine if i want something that size, i usually don't like dealing with small models its just not my thing, example i like the size of the Phantom to me that is a good size for all the parts associated with the model.
  21. @ Richard when i looked at the site and clicked on the Phantom, it said backorder expected availbility 15 to 30 days here is the link http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MS2027 i am ok with that due to i am still getting my work area and tools and doing reading lol but i will call them on Monday to check I thought I saw on here that one of the members is the owner or one of the owners is this true
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