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Everything posted by gulfmedic1

  1. thanks for the nice words Pete I remember someone saying to basically stay ahead of the build, as I was looking at my build last night getting ready to finish fairing the hull kind of getting my plan in place, I noticed a couple of things with the sizes of some of the pieces. Then I remembered one of the Phantom builds the builder made his own gratting (think thats the right word) because the size was off scale can someone point me to a web link, or a link in here so i can review scale. I know its more than just 1:to whatever number i think there is a conversion in there somewhere. I dont want this to just be "My first build" I want to do it right
  2. trip I originally got the laser for that exact reason to help with the waterline. While I was markin the hull I kept thinking man I hope Im true on these lines, looked over saw the laser and that little lightbulb went off ha ha
  3. so I have the keel trimmed and I have the markings to get the hull fared helps when you follow the directions lol I also used a laser that Alexey i think used and it works great now I am ready to fare the hull Are you supposed to wear some kind of glasses when using lasers
  4. Alexey thats what i needed I thought i could use a 3v just wanted to check the site said i think 2.8 to 3.6v i was thinking about just getting a 3v battery but i just wanted to check to make sure also great build its beautiful
  5. Alexey How did you hook up your power supply for the laser
  6. all thanks for the help sorry i didnt communiicate my question correclty Max thanks thats what i needed i tried reading the lines on the plans but couldnt get it right i just needed a reference to see how fat the 1/8th trim extended from the false keel im almost done with the keel
  7. does anyone have a pic of thier phantom after the keel has been thinned down, but i would like to see the pic without the false keel on it. i am almost done with the keel but i dont kow how far out and down to thin to 1/8th
  8. John thanks a lot for the info and ill make sure to watch for the signs of tool sharpening addiction lol
  9. Guys thanks for the info I kinda figured just toss or save as back up but I thought I ask As for the gouges what do you use to sharpen them other than Japanese water stone I'm going to look up that one
  10. do you guys sharpen your blades like the #11 blade or just get more and for the carving blades what do you use to sharpen them
  11. Im still slimming the keel, ive noticed on the stern i cant find anywhere that shows how far down you trim and on the sides around midship how far out do you trim down i can see on the midship area that it looks to be at the right witdth any in put would be great thanks
  12. Russ where do you get these chemical toners and how do you thin your acrylic tube paint
  13. Launch is complete. Should i put a lacquer on it or leave it as is Used American walnut and cedar mix stain
  14. now i am going to thin the keel, sure seems like a lot of wood to remove i will do the stern and the keel then use the same set up for the bow or at leaset thats the plan
  15. thanks for the in put i forgot to mention its bass wood, at least i think so it came with the phantom kit
  16. Well all i am back at it, I started cutting the wood for the launchways, I have decided to do that for now then get back to the ship. I have started to get ready to trim the keel, I am going to use the process that Hopefull did, by using the 1/8x1/8 wood and center it and use it as a guide to fair the keel. I do have a question, for a 1/8 x 1/8 piece of wood 12 inches long how long do i have to soak it so i can bend it so it will sit on the keel pics to follow soon
  17. dont know if anyone seen this but its the article from the NY Times about the Phantom going missing. Not a whole lot of info but interesting http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=F40A1EFF3A5C10738DDDAA0A94DB405B8884F0D3
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