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Murcia 66

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About Murcia 66

  • Birthday 03/08/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Murcia Spain
  • Interests
    Model making, carpentry and joinery

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  1. Hi papa ragin, I received a message from AL regarding the cotton and they said that they would put the correct color in the post which they did and I received it 3 days later. This time it Browm lol, so as the model shops here have been closed due to our lock down I decided to dye the thread black. I was going to purchase new thread from the uk but the post costs 3 times more than the thread. Hope you are enjoying your first build would like to see the ship when finished. Just a little tip for future reference on most if not all the standing rigging is black as they used to tar it for weather protection. All the best with the build, Mark
  2. Hi I am hoping that someone out there can help me out. I built the AL Marie Jeanne for my naibours about 9 years ago but unfortunately he turned up last night with it in pieces, his wife had knocked it of the shelf while cleaning lol. It is in quite a bit of a mess but nothing that can't be repaired. The question I would like to ask has anyone who has built this kit by any chance still got the rigging plan that they could photo and send to me. Hopping that someone can help. Cheers Mark
  3. Thanks mtaylor, I sent the an email but have not heard back from them. Not sure if they are still in lock down in Barcelona even though I live in Southern Spain. I read somewhere that boot polish is good to colour rigging thread have you or anyone else heard or tried this method. Cheers, Mark
  4. Hi I am building the 1.50 scale Bounty made by constructo, can anyone help me with a contact address for this company as the black cotton in my kit is actually green. I sent a email to the address on the instruction manual but said address not found. Cheers, Mark
  5. Thanks Bruce d, iam please with the way that they turned out but a little annoyed that the company I purchased the brass from advertised it as yellow brass. Also I am very please with the cost it works out about 4 euros a plaque so can't argue with that. Cheers Mark
  6. But I think they turned out OK.
  7. the brass sheet I ordered arrived but it is not the yellow brass but as I had ordered it from the uk and I live in Spain it was to expensive to send back.
  8. Hi all, my ferric chloride arrived yesterday, so just waiting for the brass sheet. Will post a picture of the finished name plate when I have completed it.
  9. Many thank too all who replied to my first question. I have found a way around my problem, I installed a novelty certificate app on my phone and now I can do any kind of writing in black on white and white on black depending on what way I want the etching to come out.
  10. Hi, i have just started to build the above mentioned kit. I have fitted the frames to the keel and shaped the bow and transom and fitted the deck. Looking ahead there seems to be a problem, I aligned the deck perfectly centered but this leaves the deck quite a big hangover the frames so the planking will be under the deck. What I would like to know is if anyone out there has built this kit and do I sand the deck to meet the frames.
  11. Hi I am hoping someone out there can help. I want to start making my own brass etched name plaques for my ships. Dose anyone know of a app where I can make up the lettering to print the ship names.
  12. Hi Renato, nice looking ship you have built. Here are a couple of pics of mine. I actually changed quite a bit on this ship as a lot of it was quite not correct, I moved the 2 lines of gun port as on any man of war the ports would not have gone above the rubbing stakes also I made some post out of brass at the mid ship section and then attached some netting as again this would not have been left as in the kit (all the crew would have been in the drink lol). Hope you like the pics. All the best Mark
  13. First off all, many thanks to all who welcomed me to your forum. Like I said I am not new to model ship building been at it for over 35 years. The reason for sending this post is after spending the last 3 years scratch building HMS York D98 at 1.96 scale from the Jacadin plans I decided to to build a kit. After having a look around I chose the artisaina Latina model San Juan Nepomuceno, as I started my wooden ship modeling hobby with there little scottish maid, and thought that artisaina were good kits. Well what a big disappointment it was when the kit arrived. The plans did not match the photos the photos did not match the written instructions and all of the plans and literature with the kit were obviously from the early kit. The bow and stern sections are completely different from the plans and if you fit them as described then you can't get the lower gun decks cannon support timder in. After a 7 month build and a lot of modifications you do end up with a nice looking ship, but if you are thinking of building this kit please take a lot of care before you glue anything, our contact me and I will run you through the pitfalls. Hope this helps someone out. 👍
  14. Hi new members, not new to modeling but new to forums
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