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  1. There is an American film, 1961 turned in France, an you can see the "FÉRIBOITE" named "MARIUS 4".
  2. I have tried to wrote in english... I hope !...
  3. And I have draw plans.
  4. I have founded the plans of the "FÉRIBOITE" : bad plans are better than no plans !
  5. Those photos are screen-shots in my Mac of my files - Blue files : each contain (1) history's boats, (2) photos or paintings founded on internet, (3) adresses where I have asked for history, plans received and/or that I have draw before the built, (4) photos during my constructions and (5) a book of the story of the boat that I have write. - Yellow hands : I have finished the model, and the model is now at home... - Red cross : I have identified the boat of the writer and I have a road to follow until the plans (for exemple a museum who have documentation) - Wave : It is a french distinction ("écrivain de marine") given by the Musée de la Marine in Paris - Pencil : I have wrote for ask plans - Sand- watch (I don't know the word in english - in french "sablier") that I have begin the construction - "?" : I have found a relation between the writer and a boat, but I have to decide if the boat is "to the writer" or "at the writer" ("owner or passenger" is may be best to say that)
  6. Voilà mes projets : De 190.1. à 190.8. les maquettes sont faites. Il faudra que je vive jusqu'à 187 ans pour finir les autres !
  7. Ma prochaine maquette pourrait être le FERIBOITE ("Ferryboat" prononcé avec l'accent du sud de la France), un bateau qui traversait le port de Marseille au début du XXème siècle. Un écrivain et cinéaste, Marcel PAGOL (que j'adore), se l'était "approprié" !
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