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Everything posted by Visi

  1. Denis, Love you work. To me, It took a lot of guts to become the first, I've seen, to furl the Sails. For now, the rest is pure Glory. Inspired by you, when my time comes, I also will Furl the Sails on my SOS to show off her Beautiful Hull, The Rigging, which is the Glue that binds her, and while her Sails are at peace, we get to eye & savour her Deck and her fittings while subtly being blinded by her pristine adornments & artefacts. Well done, look forward to seeing her finished. - visi
  2. Denis. Simply Stunning. Your Furled Sails make your rigging Spectacular " Rigging Eye Candy". Wherever I look I fixate on a Line and forced to follow it only to find another treasure at its end. Fantastic - well done! - visi
  3. Denis simply stunning. I have done a lot of Rope Work in the past and think your Rigging is fantastic. The Furled Sails definitely shows off the SOS giving the viewer more angles of view. Whenever you look at the SOS I believe you will always see something new. Your workmanship, attention to detail and being brave enough to challenge the Furling of the Sails is inspiring. Thank you. - visi
  4. Denis Adding the life boats seems like they were meant to be there. Nice job. - visi
  5. Denis Fine workmanship as usual I liked the fact you used a Clove Hitch. for Rigging your lines. Love your work. Well done - visi
  6. Denis - As usual - workmanship - superb. Amazing how the Brasswork stands out. The awesome beauty of this magnificent ship, is slowly coming to life. Patiently she waits until she feels breathe in her sail and to be free. - visi
  7. Denis - as usual you never disappoint - great workmanship - will follow your logs with interest - visi
  8. Denis - Nice to see you putting the effort in re posting your log. It is very easy to give up and say "I am not doing that again" I am glad you are taking the trouble to do it as I am constantly reviewing your work as I do mine. There is not much out there on the SOS. You do nice work and give great advice. - visi
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