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Everything posted by Visi

  1. Denis Very nicely done. I like the 2 tone effect. Will look even better when varnished - visi
  2. Denis Nice work and good work ethic looking forward to more pics - visi
  3. Well Done Denis Love that aged warm worn look that seems to have been scrubbed & Mopped by the crew of the then day. Looking forward following your build log. - visi
  4. Denis Every now and then i come back to have a look at the work done well Done Denis. - visi
  5. Amen. May they all Rest in Peace, never be forgotten and be honoured for their ultimatate sacrifice for what we have, and can be, today. -visi
  6. Denis - Well done. Nice Detail and good colour coordination. PS Although your pic has been magnified - i still needed glasses to see it (lol). - visi
  7. Wow!! had no idea it was so small - the ruler reveals how scary this is going to get - good luck visi
  8. Hi Denis, Nice to see you progressing on this difficult build. For me I did not mind the dark colour as it gave good contrast. The Baby poo-brown - tones it down a bit. visi
  9. Denis Nice Job - your build is coming on very quickly - visi
  10. Denis Do you have any pics of your Byrnes Tools? - visi
  11. Hi Denis... Just subscribed to your new build of the RW - and will follow with interest. I have just sculled a Beer, Strapped myself into a Roller Coaster and waiting for the Wild Ride to begin. I know you won't disappoint Good Luck - visi
  12. Denis - a Mighty effort with a wonderful rewarding result. Congratulations on producing this Magnificent Ship - truly a Milestone moment. Thank you for sharing your journey with her, as I have enjoyed following your progress as you water down life challenges (at first impossible - now possible) for them to become Inspirational to us all. Well Done!! - visi
  13. Denis Well Done - excellent idea - great result using parts of the ship - perfect. visi
  14. Denis Your "Flagmanship" is as good as your Craftmanship" They are great looking Flags - a perfect compliment to a great looking ship - visi
  15. Denis The Sovereign of the Seas. What a magnificent Ship Be very proud Denis. For you have given her all the loving, nurturing and artistic skill. From mere sticks and stones you bring an astonishing result. She is a true reflection of your, Heart, Mind & Spirit. Inspirational stuff we all need, at one time or another Well done - visi
  16. Denis As usual you never disappoint. What a magnificent result. Well done. I look forward to following your next build log with the RW. I know how difficult and sometimes frustrating this project must have been, as I am currently building the same SOS. Having found parts missing and the instructions, most wanting & very challenging. Your rigging is nothing like the book, and hope one day I may call on you for assistance. I also love the rigging colours you used, as i think it differs from the Mantua kit Absolutely Awesome - visi
  17. Denis Your work is simply stunning Likening to capillaries reaching the extremities of the human body So are the complex lifelines of the SOS Without them - there is no life What an awesome array of Rigging Well done -visi
  18. Denis - Simply Stunning - Well Done - It inspires me even more to keep going on my build when it gets tough. You are testimony to what can be achieved when one mixes discipline, passion & patience together, fixated with an end plan of determination when faced with each challenge as it presents itself. - visi
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