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Everything posted by rayschilke

  1. Following now getting to ready for my first ship after many Dumas Chris crafts and aircraft wooden kits. Looks great so far. Ray
  2. Spars going on alright and getting ready to start adding details and rigging soon.
  3. Getting ready to insert the spars and wing leading edges and wasn't happy with my ceiling tile as a pin base. I repurposed 2 of my wife's cloth fabric bolt cardboard inserts. They are a perfect length and accept pins readily and hold tight. Also used green painters tape to hold the plans to them as the green tape holds but comes off the plans without ripping them. Wax paper laid out and ready to put ribs on and do 400 grit final sanding of each part. At least I am done with almost all of the wing ribs. They were tedious.
  4. Greats shots. Thanks for the compliment. It is a hobby that really is all about what equipment you have. Tough to learn everything as every aspect from tracking, capture, and processing seems like it's own college course. Keeps the brain young though. This plane is about to be a challenge with cable rigging. No do overs like throwing out a bad picture file. But I do have another sopwith build log in this group to reference. It is a good source for me and a blessing to have😀
  5. Thanks sir. I have a bit of change into my telescope gear. I have a wife that forgives my hobby costs because I ignore her sewing costs lol
  6. This is my main hobby now. Modelling has been life long (since I was 8 years old) but Astrophotography has hooked me.
  7. Switched up to a ceiling tile for a background for pins. Much better than wood. Spars are coming along. It is nice to have this hobby as a back up for cloudy days when I can't do star photography. Spar progress is going nice but it does get hindered by an occasional beer break. I have begun to use kids stick glue to just hold the spars to the plans to just to hold their place on the plans. It is nice because they just pop right off when it will be time to put in the wing spars and metal parts.
  8. Yep. Less tedious than my other hobby, astrophotography, but both are still relaxing.😊
  9. I need to change mine but need 100 posts before I can change it. I sent a message to admin asking permission for an early change. Thanks for the tip. Ray
  10. Thanks. Wings next so now the slow part lol
  11. The wings are next and look to pose a challenge due to being time consuming.
  12. The prop starts from this. Pics on google help get the angle correct. Ends up thinner and sleek looking. Lining up the 3 parts to be laminated is pretty straight forward.
  13. I am building the Model Airways 1/16th Sopwith Camel. So far I have built the engine and shaped and installed the Propeller. I did a "black wash" of the cast metal pieces after the completion prior to installing the prop. I did shape the Prop by only sanding with a palm sander. Whittling was not necessary.
  14. John between you and Mike Dowling I have gotten to this point thus far. I ended up using gap filling CA on the motor parts and it has seemed to work nicely. I did do a black wash on the engine to take away some of the "brightness" of the metal. Best regards, Ray
  15. I did mean the prop BUT I am thinking of the hasagawa sopwith next. I have already built the MODEL AIRWAYS ALBATROS D. VA and it was a great build. I did that one about 15 years ago after going to get it in Fort Lauderdale at the Model Expo shop. I do have a 1/8 scale Rolls Royce Pocher Sedanca I got from them in the 1990s that I could start next but they are getting to be very scarce and collectable so I may go to another plane. I am not picky with what I model
  16. I am using your build log too to help me along. To be clear both props look great. Which do you recommend I model after Mike? Than ks, Ray
  17. Thank you sir for having this build log on here. I just got my kit and I will be referring to your pics and words throughout the build. Nice to know that 3 years later you are still helping a fellow modeler. Wonderful job and beautiful work. Thank you for taking the time to record and document your build. Thanks very much, Ray
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