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Everything posted by yamsterman

  1. Complete four volume set for sale. Used but in good condition. Well read! English language version. Uk sale as these would cost a fortune to post overseas. £250 + postage of £15 Can now post overseas at cost as royal mail international now back on line.
  2. hi all some more photo experiments. some with just led room light on. the yellower ones are with the desk lamp on. 1/10 scale resin busts. naval midship man about to board enemy vessel a pirate!!! and just for fun wellington and napolean. moderaters feel free too move these if they are in the wrong section. cheers...mick
  3. hi carl i have altered some settings on the camera and took some new photos of the recently reorganised workshop and current state of washington build. Look a bit more natural , certainly less blue. cheers...mick
  4. Hi Carl Blueish tinge down too led light....probably need to make an adjustment to the camera as well!! Get round to it in due course. Found some k+s 1/16 x1/64 at a place called Eileen's emporium.co.uk Went crazy and brought a whole bunch of stuff!!!
  5. hi guy I reckon the hinges work out to approx 1/2 inch thick in real life. started off with k+s special shapes metal 1/16 by 1/32 as the basic strap material which was the soldered and filed to shape. In an ideal world i would have prefered 1/16 by 1/64 but could not get hold of any so they do look a bit chunky. Im not sure the guys that built these ships would have been overly concerned, they would have probably used/manufactured whatever was to hand. Im off now to scour the internet looking for brass strips!! regards...mick
  6. hi all small update new name plate for washington. cheers....mick
  7. hi carl thanks for your kind words . finding another job is going to be a long slog.....not entitled to benefits other than jobseekers allowance for six months,which will not amount to a great deal ....apparently i have too much money in the bank!!!!! taking the opportunity of my enforced sabatical to catch up with a few jobs before i can get back to modelmaking. parents estate will be resolved this week so one less thing to worry about. must endeavour to get washington galley finished and then decided on the next project. just had three deliveries from chuck at syren will take the obligatory photos once the camera battery has charge up! cheers...mick
  8. hi all cant believe its been so long since i posted anything! unfortunately two family bereavements, both parents, and being recently made redundant after 27 years with the same company has kept me otherwise engaged. I have not forgotten about everybody and the site and hopefully will soon be back in the thick of it. cheers....mick
  9. hi will look forward to you starting your log with regards to the stove.......silver solder paste as used by jewellers was the prime "glue". comes in three basic forms low temp medium temp and high temp.........start with the high and work down to the low for the final bits. i did try using two part epoxy on a previous attempt but was not happy with the results. cheers....mick
  10. hi again i forgot to mention in the previous post that a little help is required.Regarding the lateen rig. The plans show only the basic position of the ropes. my knowledge of lateen rig is scanty to say the least. some help with regards to how the ropes were attached to the yards and how the ropes were joined together (see photos) would be gratefully received. cheers....mick all photos courtesy of nrg/msw
  11. hi all a small update just for the time being masts are in the process of being made....... other completed components are safely stored in a plastic box. still lots to do...mainly fiddly stuff!!
  12. working a crazy shift pattern that let no time for anything paul.......shift pattern has now reverted to something like normal. mick is now officially a happy bunny cheers for now
  13. hi all just stopping by to let you know im still here.........work will recommmence shortly!!!!! cheers...mick
  14. hi carl merry christmas and happy new year too. must be the worklight and/or camera settings.....just treated myself to a new camera for xmas..... when ive worked out how to use it i will take some photos for comparisons sake. cheers....mick
  15. hi all time for a short update......been busy making a few fittings. gunports are now fitted...just need to get the ropes rigged. still lots to do but the list is getting smaller!! festive greetings to one and all cheers....mick
  16. Hi all Gunport lids in the process of being fitted. Brackets for sweeps fitted on larboard side. Just about to start work on channels and anchors. Cheers for now....mick
  17. Hi paul No straight out of the box .....just snipped off about 0.5mm above the joint and bashed away! Cheers....mick
  18. Hi paul The hinges are 1/16 by 1/32 brass strip silver soldered to 1/16 od brass tube. The pins are 1/16 brass rod soldered to the same diameter tube , the tube then filed to the width of the rod. The two are connected by a 0.8mm diameter brass rivet which is cut off and the end peinned over with a small hammer. The hinge will be glued to the gunport with epoxy and smaller rivets dropped through the holes to represent bolt heads. The pin will locate into the hull. Hope this helps Cheers.....mick
  19. Hi all Hinges ready for blackening Macro photos reveals all! Cheers...mick
  20. hi all the saga of the hinges continues the first attempt with copper was not entirely successful so decided to switch back to brass. the hinges are nearly done ...just a load of 0.5 mm holes to drill....a lot of cleaning up and then to blacken photos enclosed as per usual
  21. Just to add balance.....the other side of the room...
  22. Hi carl Amongst other things............. Tools in place time for some storage.
  23. Hi all On a slightly different note a lovely slab of beech arrived the other morning for the new workbench. Still got to make some drawers for the left and right sides.....vacuum lived in the middle! Bench top is 2m in length.....plenty of space for tools! Just waiting for the danish too dry. Cheers.....mick
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