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Everything posted by neilm

  1. Flying Fish. I bought a scale barrel from online website and then made casts from that one. But since that, a mate of mine has a 3d printer and is sending me six. Really clear and accurate. Will show you all when they arrive.
  2. Hi Richard. I have these plans but they are very vague and iffy. I used plans from Pat Tritle. Accurate and great info. Buy one set and then copy and print off bits as you need them. Sometimes you need one part a few times so always better to have a back up.
  3. Steady as she goes. A little more work done. Starting to look like the Orca Boat now😊
  4. Hi Bob. Google and resized to my scale. Some bits were a bit blurred but seems to be going okay. Altering as i go as they are not really that accurate.
  5. Many thanks for your kind words and interest Wintergreen. Will become more apparent hopefully as I progress. By the way, this is about 1:20 scale. The build continues ☺
  6. Missed the slow explanations and details on this build. First scratch boat build, thanks to other info and build help on this. A lot of copying but still so challenging. Will post regularly as I build. Fingers crossed.
  7. Fantastic. Will be following your build as my build so far is so very modest and amateur in comparison.
  8. Hi all. First boat build but I am a competent modeller. Will very definitely ask for help as I go. Will post more details later. In bed now 😃
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