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Everything posted by Steve116

  1. Soaked the mahogany cockpit coaming with hot water and ammonia (~20%) for 30 mins b4 attempting to bend. One piece split- I was able to mend w CA - and built a simple jig to finish the contouring
  2. Planking is complete. Difficult to bend basswood planks in 3 dimensions- I’m soaking the planks with boiling water and ammonia. There are several small gaps between planks. I painted several toothpicks the same color as the cockpit interior and glued them to the exterior hull to smooth the plank transitions
  3. This is an excellent narrative. Thank you! I just completed my first model- Cape Cod Catboat- and I purchased the Herreshoff 12 1/2 in Fall ‘21 from Blue Jacket and I will start in Fall ‘22- after the golf courses close in the Northeast
  4. I just completed a week long rigging class that was conducted in Maine. This was v helpful and I was in the presence of 7 other more experienced modelers- I gained a lot of knowledge, confidence and inspiration to move forward ( and I bought a new model- a Herreshoff 12 1/2) I also picked up some tips to improve my techniques for painting the hull. As you might expect, this has created the need for more tools, and product, so I’m in the research and acquisition phase right now. Floquil paints are no longer, so I’m looking for a good substitute. Fine line tape to create a clean boot top on the hull, tools to clean up the portholes( perfect ellipses would be nice!) ( I settled on needle files and not a Dremel like device) And some Internet research to understand the nautical terms around a boat that are used in the Catboat’s build instructions
  5. For Ben752 I too am looking for a better set of needle files. I have 3 Xacto files, but I need other cross section shapes for some detail work on basswood( model sailboat) My needs are not for roughing work. Is coarse a better choice? Thanks! Steve
  6. It looks like Floquil hasn’t been around for awhile and recently that’s the case for Testors Model Master, too( since 2020?) I am finding some stock on the Internet, but not sure of age or the quality of this product.( I still have the Floquil paint bottles that are 14 yrs old- the Reefer white is completely dried) I’ve been advised not to mix water based acrylics w/ solvent based enamels( I’m going to consult Testors on Monday) It seems like a little more research is called for
  7. Hi i have started to paint my Cape Cod Catboat. This is my first model. I have already painted the hull using Floquil product and hope to clean up the boot top using thin line tape above and below and using a spray clear coat enamel to “seal” the edges to prevent color bleed( an experienced modeler’s suggestion ) . This clear coat should be hi gloss to match the sheen of the hull paint Testor makes a hi gloss clear coat enamel BUT is currently unavailable- supply chain issues- has anyone used another hi gloss clear coat? The mast and gaff will be painted white. In order to be as authentic as possible, should this white match rhe white on the hull? Model overcoat- I have a friend that used a spray overcoat and was unhappy with the outcome - turned a satin finish flat. The model instructions recommend a satin polyurethane varnish. Miniwax offers that product in a can. What are modelers using- spray or brush? And if spray, the names of some brands, please Thank you! Steve
  8. Thank you everyone for your input. After considering all your comments, and weighing the risk of an irreversible ( I know, there are v few things that are irreversible) I opted to use my needle files. The portholes are not geometrically perfect ellipses or identical - maybe this will be part my model’s signature-but they’re not bad and I will take this as a learning experience
  9. Hi Bill. Thx for your input. Which Proxxon model are you using?
  10. Thanks, everyone. I’m learning that modelers share a passion and are ready to help. ALL your input is useful. one question for Jaager - what is HSS?
  11. Hi. I am working on a Catboat and have the need for a rotary tool to clean up the portholes in the cabin. This is my first model What are tools of choice for model working? Thanks!
  12. Hi I recently joined Model Ship World and have completed the hull of a Blue Jacket kit #105- Cape Cod Cat boat. I'm a little stuck on building the single and double blocks and rigging and how they are installed. Any pictures of completed Catboats would be very helpful(esp the rigging details) and much appreciated. Cheers! Steve
  13. I purchased this kit in the beginning of 2008 and it is my first attempt at model ship building. I love the ocean and boats and have often admired the model boats that I have seen displayed. I am comfortable with woodworking tools, but I found there is a lot to learn. I am grateful that this forum exists I worked diligently on the kit for the first 3+ months and was able to complete the hull. The construction for the most part went without incident, as I learned by reading, researching, doing, and sometimes re-doing. I do remember the challenge of bending some of the hull planking so that it joined the stern authentically(?) One of the flaws is the lower part of the rudder should be pinned to the keel to allow for rudder rotation- that small "tab" of wood snapped from the rudder, so the rudder is currently unsupported on the bottom. I'm debating what to do with this In mid summer '08, I reached the point for mast and boom construction, and rigging and the sail would be next, but I wasn't comfortable with the next steps, so I put the project aside. Flash forward, Winter 2020-2021. Now I have some time and renewed desire to successfully finish this, and maybe take on another I'm comfortable with the mast, boom and gaff work, but I'm a little nervous about getting the rigging and sail right.( The rigging cleats are done) I intend to use a local seamstress to create the sail panel lines. The instructions call for three double blocks and three single blocks. Also the Blue Jacket kit instructions are excellent, but they use some boat language that make me run for the internet- I'm also going to search the Internet for pictures of single/double blocks and how they are are installed on a Catboat
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