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  1. Right now I'm working in my basement so a bit cramped. I will be moving to a new house in 2022 and will have a dedicated shop about 14x14. I have a small band saw, praxxon table saw and chop saw, a small belt/disc sander. I also have a unimat lathe/mill but its a bit small. Amazing what you collect in 40 years of modeling. I'm likely getting a small scroll saw and thinking about a bit larger lathe and milling machine of some sort. My plan is to have the various tools mounted on bases and stored on shelves then mounting what I'm using on a bench. I'm blessed with a wife that understands my hobbies. More likely it gets me out from underfoot!
  2. Its Victor Over the years I've collected a two or three kits. My plan is to eventually do a fully framed model
  3. Thank you I was admiring your Wasa. That sits on my shelf for me next build
  4. The Victory build is what kept me sane!! It was that or alcohol
  5. Thank you for the kind words
  6. Victory. Perspective makes her masts look off
  7. The flag and pirate was added by one of my surgical partners as a joke Constitution was damaged during a move and has been repaired
  8. Discovered this forum just recently. I've been modeling for most of my life. Started with plastic kits in grade school then moved on to solid hull kits. My first plank on frame was HMS Bounty some 40 years ago during my last year in Med School. My next project was HMS Victory which I kit bashed using The Anatomy of Nelsons Ships by Longridge. This took me 5 years during my surgical residency. Went on to Old Iron Sides by Mamoli, Life and kids go in the way so I stopped building for a while. Finished Cutty Sark during the pandemic. Just got started on Bluenose by model shipways. I've collected a rather large number of kits over the years both ships and cars . Many more than I can complete in a lifetime! Planning the next project is part of the hobby right? I'll be leaving my surgical practice soon and hope to spend several hours a day improving my skills Looking over some of the build logs have been an inspiration
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