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Everything posted by JEFFRAV

  1. Back into ship building again after along time off had some serious medical problems I have a question on part 89 fore and aft rack (fife) in that Longridge shows lines tied to it goes up through the grates and then to where. I was looking at Bill97 build and he has 8 lines tied to the aft fife (bitt) and 4 lines tied to the fore bit. Is that correct or there less lines can't really tell and do the lines go up to blocks then come back down to the deck and get tied off too an eye or too a belaying pin not sure. Help would be appreciated
  2. Hi, Don't know if i am in the right place but how come there is no search box on my phone for this website it used to be there.
  3. Ian what size beads did you use on your Victory build. I tried to scale down from Longridge's book and came up with 10/0 I looked in the local craft store and they seem very small.
  4. Hi I am currently building Heller 1/100 Victory. I have a question about the parrals. I went to the local hobby store to boy some sea beeds don't know what size to get. Some recomendations were 10/0 and 11/0 beads but they seem a little to small. If anyone has any info on this please help.
  5. Bill thank you for sending me the spreadsheet. Ordered 5 and 3.5 mm deadeyes from Amazon today will be delivered in a few days. Not at the shipyard this weekend visiting my niece and nephew at University of Maryland then going to Northwestern- Maryland basketball game tomorrow will hit the build hard this week.
  6. Bill97 what size deadeyes did you use for the smaller deadeyes that tie to the chainplates as in your picture.And yes i have Longridges book lots of info.
  7. Bill97 that's exactly what i got should be here this weekend Bill 97 that's exactly what i bought. Should be here this weekend along with the blocks i ordered for the gun tackle. If you don't know i started a ship build a while back on MSW. I don't want to highjack your Soleil Royal build wih Victory questions.
  8. Thanks for the reply. I bought some 22 gauge wire yesterday and seemed to be big. Did not like the way it looked. Ordered some 24 gauge brass wire and go from there. Would it be alright if i PM you every now and then as tour victory build is my go to guide among others and have a million questions. Wealth of info here on MSW. PS. I love Lamar i think he's the most exciting player in the NFL. Don't know what's going to happen with him with the contract neg. everything is mum right now .We will have to see.
  9. Getting ready to order a bunch of blocks and deadeyes for this build. Can someone tell me what size wooden deadeyes i will need for the shrouds i will need for Daniels etched parts plate 3. Getting ready to rig the tackle on the guns on the upper gun deck. I am getting 2.5 mm single sheath and 3 mm double sheath wooden blocks which i will sand down to 2 mm as i can't find 2 mm blocks right now is that right. Also i will be making my own eyebolts what gauge wire wold you recommend and diameter of the eye so it up to scale.
  10. Back in the fall before i went into the hospital i was building a log cabin in West Virginia i was at a yard sale and i seen a box that said HMS Victory. Took a look and to my surprise it was a complete model. The older lady said it was her husbands that had passed away. She wanted 25 dollars for it. I told her that is worth more than that i ended giving her 50 dollars. What a deal all parts seem to be there except for the sails which i am going to make my own. Now i have spare parts which i needed as some of the parts were broken from sitting in my Mothers attic since around 1981.
  11. Noticed this today. I don't know what these are called but will have to make some more with a mold and resin. I guess when i was away it must of fell over somehow.
  12. Got guns and carriages painted just need to paint the wheels. Drilled the holes for the eyebolts for the breeching rope and tackle. Holes seem a little big but eyebolts should cover them up.
  13. Got the other half of upper gun deck on. Need to do some touch up.
  14. I have been out of ship modeling after a long stay in the VA hospital been hitting it hard the last week.
  15. Bill looking great. I follow your Victory build which turned out beautiful. Getting ready to do the tackle on the show guns on upper gun deck of my Victory. I see you are making your own eye bolts and was wondering what diameter of the eyes and gauge of the wire you are using as i will be making my own too. I don't know if this is the wrong place to post this if so i apologize.
  16. Been research and can't seem to find much. The blocks om the lower deck seem to be one single block and one double block for the 32 pounders and for the 24 pounders looks like 2 single blocks am i correct. I need to know so I can order a bunch of 2mm blocks.
  17. Can anyone tell me what size blocks you use on gun tackle on Hellers 1/100 HMS Victory.
  18. Ian lower decks are lined up right. Did a little filing on the them now it seems better. I was wondering about the rake on the mast no info on these terrible heller instructions. I guess maybe i was missing the step holes hard to see 3 decks down. Thanks for the info!
  19. I got the 2 lower decks on my ship then dry fitted upper decks well it looks like the 3 mast are not lining up right. It seems they are slightly leaning forward. I know they should be leaning slightly aft with the rake. Looks like i am going to have to enlarge the holes in the decks to get them to lean aft or will the shrouds pull them back. Would like to know if anybody has run into this problem.
  20. Got all the guns on lower deck and lines for gun hatches threaded through.
  21. Got lower deck glued in but in my haste and not following detail I forgot to glue the main mast step in so I had to cut deck open glue in and fix with milliput sand and paint again.Know one will see it. I guess I have to pay more attention to detail.
  22. Well been out of ship building for awhile back into it. Got all the guns for lower decks done took awhile.
  23. Hi Twahl just started my Ship build log. Your ship is looking good.
  24. Got hulls painted and evergreen to thicken hulls finally done. Lots of touchup too do but can be done later. Next the guns.
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