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Everything posted by Laggard

  1. Dude, I’m cutting corners on the block because I physically can’t seize a block that small the historically proper way. I don’t know why. Ask a doctor as I am not one. I have all the tools I need. Clamps, third and fourth hands, a half dozen hemostats, magnifying glass, etc. I simply cannot get my fingers to work with that small a line. I’m happy you can. I managed to seize a block today. Under magnification it looks accurate to me.
  2. I said thanks several times. I’ve read all advice provided and still don’t quite understand how to do it. It was suggested to me here to not worry about the historical accuracy of the build and find what works for me. So that is what I just decided to do and mentioned so in my final post.
  3. I can do it. Just was looking for some final advice on what line to use. But seriously, this conversation is done. It’s my first model and I’ll just wing it as best I can. If I have to use staples I will. Not a huge deal.
  4. Which would you use to seize a block to a mast? Manila hemp .012 black .021 black The Manila hemp is almost silk like and just difficult to work with. Right now I’m waiting on a new mast. I made the mistake of inserting it into a dremel so I could turn it easily. The second I turned it on the mast violently snapped in two sending pieces flying. Lucky to not lose an eye. 😬 😂
  5. Working on a block I have doubts about my ability to even tie a line to a block. This line is just so thin and soft I don’t know that I can do it. I’m a bit bummed out at the moment about the whole endeavor.
  6. I’m humbled by this hobby. I assembled many plastic models as a kid and as an adult assembled and flew many an RC plane. Few of those learned skills transfer to wood ships. 😜
  7. Thank you all for your generous help. I have a lot of info to look through now and learn. Perhaps my unfamiliarity with terms only complicates my question. Ive got this now. Now, can anyone help me unseize the block on a 68 Chevy?
  8. Wow. I sincerely want the help and have looked at everything provided. Nothing matches completely what these instructions are asking of me. For now I’m going to use my standard fishing knot as it has multiple wraps around the line that resembles photos of seized blocks. I’m also going to try to find a supplier for metal hooks as there is no way I have the dexterity to make them myself.
  9. Black masking tape? Thanks for the suggestion though. I’ve seen a dozen photos of the finished product, couple videos that didn’t clarify anything but that’s it. I looked at every single build log provided. None really explain where the line starts, where it winds around and even how to then attach it to the band on the mast. Just use the old granny knot? Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll figure it out.
  10. Thanks for the links, Ryland. Read them all but could not find my question answered. Two things though stood out: My boat looks so much crappier than all these. Someone posted that despite what model shipways says, this is not a good first kit. Im off to YouTube!
  11. It just says to create the metal band, solder it closed and then drill a hole through the end. Then seize the block to the band. The plans themselves don’t show how to seize anything. These are literally the only instructions provided:
  12. I’ll post a better photo later but you can see it on the mast here. Two of them.
  13. This is ridiculous. I’ve read every pdf here and watched every video on how to seize a block. Some of them show the finished product: a block with a line attached to it. Not one shows how to then attach this line to the band on the mast. One seemingly helpful article shows how to do it, but with a hook on the end of the line. I need to somehow get past this to move forward.
  14. Greetings from Los Angeles! 🖐️
  15. Go Sooners! Jk. Welcome! 😜
  16. Because even new x acto blades don’t cut it for me. Thanks
  17. Thanks. I like the form they provide for holding it in position while heating it. I never have any luck trying to clamp it in place.
  18. https://www.micromark.com/Electric-Plank-Bender Please tell me this works. I very quickly tired of soaking and blow drying planks while holding them in the right position. Any other bending tools to make this miserable job easier?
  19. Avoid my mistakes, get a good start on your keel and bulkheads. I installed mine poorly and spent a lot of time making parts fit. Because of that I had to use a lot of putty to make corrections and am not happy with how lumpy my hull is. Get a good start!!!
  20. I gotta say that this planking business is the most miserable part of the project so far. Cannot wait for it to be done.
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