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Keith B

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About Keith B

  • Birthday 06/03/1952

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  • Location
    Telford, U.K.
  • Interests
    F1, D.I.Y. Fishkeeping, Rolling Stones.

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  1. Yes Omar,you may as well do it before the masts go on,it will be so much easier!! It's quite simple to do,so enjoy the finished hull! Regards, Keith.
  2. Well, it's been a while since I posted anything on here,but don't panic,I haven't abandoned ship,just been busy doing other things,and it is a bit cold in the workshop. I have treated myself to a new piece of equipment though,see photo. I can't wait to get going on it,and I'm sure it will come in useful with the boat build. I hope all of you have a very happy and healthy new year,see you in 2015 !!
  3. A bit of progress at last! Getting the deadeyes in place now.I tried making straps out of thin strips of aluminium can,but it's just too fiddly for me,so I've used 1mm brass wire,and secured the bottom with brass nails,which have been ground off on the outside of the hull.
  4. I'm still here,but nothing much to really take photo's of yet.Just been doing a bit of work tidying up cabins and working out pin rail/deadeye rails.Re-painted hull where I removed the 2 layers of copper strip.
  5. Noticed today that I've taken the copper too high,so have removed a couple of strips.Just got to paint it black now.The good thing about the copper tape is it's easy to remove,it just peels off.Glad I never used the copper tiles and superglue! Also added the portholes to the captain's cabin.
  6. I welcome all feedback,as long as it's helpful to me! I'm not having a go at anybody,and I'm in awe of some of the work done by builders on this site,especially Nenad and Bob's. But I know I can never be as good,(or as patient) as them. In fact,I come to look upon them as far away friends,and am constantly looking at how they have done things,then sometimes attempt the same thing,then start again and do it the way I can!! At the end of the day,this hobby,as with all hobbies,should be enjoyable,otherwise it's not a hobby,it's work.(Glad I'm retired!!)
  7. I'm not going to bother with the book.I bought the one by Longridge for the Victory I made,but ended up putting it away in a drawer.They're just not for me. I have mentioned before that I'm not really bothered about absolute historical accuracy,I just want to make something that will,hopefully,be pleasing to look at,and has been built to the best of my limited ability! When it's finished it isn't going to be put on show in a museum,just my spare room,so if somebody looks at it and says "Cutty Sark,that's lovely", then that will do for me.If they say "Oh,that thread's not to scale",or "that deadeye is made of the wrong wood",then I'll personally boot them up the backside out of the door!!
  8. Just about come to the end of all my spare wood now,Found some strips to put on as in photo,but it looks like I'm actually going to have to start buying stuff now!!
  9. That's the hull coppered. I got quite confident on the second side.Instead of just making strips of tiles 450mm long,I "tiled" the rest of the copper tape roll,and then re-rolled it back onto the reel.This gave me about 40ft of continuous tiles to work with. You can just see the remaining roll of tiles in the photo.
  10. No problem Bob,I never thought of that,and we don't want any cardiac arrests!!!! Only problem is...I don't know how to do it!
  11. Well underway with the second side now. More confidence now I'm used to the copper tape idea. This time I've made the strips much longer,so I can go from front to back in one run.
  12. That's the first side done. Now for side 2. Filling first,as shown.I'm using a car body filler used for repairing plastic bumpers.It's just something I had lying around after a small scrape in the car last year! It is very strong,yet remains slightly flexible.It sands down to a really smooth finish,which you need when coppering with such thin tape. A lot of preparation means a better finished product--well,that's the theory!!
  13. Many thanks. Just make your jig first,like mine in this post,and you can't go far wrong!
  14. Thanks Popeye,I don't think I'll ever go back to using copper tiles again!
  15. It's o.k. He hasn't moved for years!
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