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Keith B

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Everything posted by Keith B

  1. A bit more done.I don't know why I started with this section,it was just the first bit that took my eye! Been experimenting with caulking the decking with black thread.It's something I wanted to do on Victory,but instead of being patient,I just went at it like a mad thing who lives in Mad avenue,Madtown. I like the effect,it's a bit fiddly but no worse than trying to knit fog.
  2. Well,just about finished,except for fixing the rudder and a bit of touching and tidying up. Yes,I know I could have done better,and put more on it,but I'm pretty pleased with it as it is. On to the Cutty Sark!!!
  3. There's no word on planking the decks in the instructions though. Still,this is what model making's all about,adding your own touches and improvements!!
  4. Cheers Bob,that does look just about right.You're right about the printed lines being a good scale,they just look rubbish.Planking will certainly improve it. Take care Keith.
  5. I think I'll plank the decks.The printed decks actually LOOK printed,if you know what I mean.
  6. Oh great!! Thanks for that cheery bit of information Keith,I can't wait!!!!
  7. Actually managed to get a couple of repairs done on the Cutty while having a break from rigging Victory.
  8. The gun ports have been left until the rigging is finished.I found that the rigging cord gets easily tangled on anything sticking out!!!
  9. Well,I haven't got a clue what the braces are,but I'm really not that concerned about this build being historically accurate!! The rigging's 3/4 done now,so I'm definitely not giving up!!
  10. Getting really bored with this rigging now!! Thank heaven for my wife's curved upholstery needle!! If anyone hasn't got one of these,I suggest you go and get one,it makes rigging the ratlines so much easier!
  11. WARNING ABOUT BILLING BOATS!!! If there is anybody out there who is thinking about buying one of these kits CHECK ALL THE CONTENTS before you part with your money!. And I mean actually count all the blocks,brass parts,etc. Maybe I just got a bad one,maybe not. For a start off,there were 6 missing rudder hinges. After e-mailing them several times they sent me some--the wrong ones,so I e-mailed them again,and they sent me the correct ones. I have since found out that there are over 20 round blocks missing,large and small,also some of the brass rings for putting on the spars. So,I've just e-mailed them again! At least they do seem to try and put things right,but the frustration of having to send for these parts is un-necessary
  12. Thanks everyone. I'm really looking forward to building the Cutty.I think she's one of the most beautiful ships ever built. I hope to get down to London soon to have a look round the real thing.
  13. Hi Boyd, The Victory is still my main priority,and I've spent the morning doing even more rigging on i.! At the moment I'm just using the Cutty as a break when I can't stand to look at any more rigging thread for a while! I love this ship building !! Cheers, Keith.
  14. Hi Keith, I'll have a good look at the anchor deck. Building the Victory has given me the confidence to try modifications. Cheers, Keith.
  15. Hi David, I think I will enjoy this build even more than the Victory,as having to cut everything out accurately instead of just assembling pre-cut parts will give much more satisfaction,I think!! But I could be wrong,and it might be really frustrating!! Cheers, Keith.
  16. As I'm now into the awful job of rigging out my H.M.S.Victory,I've decided to make a start on this old partially built kit I bought off someone who decided it wasn't for him,and threw it up in his loft for a few years! It will save me getting too bored with the rigging job. So it will now be a bit of rigging,then a bit of building/repairing. Should break the day up nicely! This Cutty Sark is,I think,a 1970's kit.The hull and main decking is assembled,but there are a couple of repairs to do first.See photo. It does appear to be the complete kit,and there is also the fittings kit,which is unopened.All the instructions are present,as are all the plans and sails. No laser cut parts here,just marked out,so my coping saw/scroll saw/bandsaw skills will have to be good! Wish me luck
  17. Been on the rigging for a couple of weeks now,on and off,and decided to run the build of the Cutty Sark along side as this rigging is such a long and intricate job! The Cutty Sark will be in a new log.
  18. It's a lot easier and cleaner just to buy the cord in the right colours!!
  19. Hi Keith, Tried the ink,didn't like the mess,so bought some rigging cord in black and natural!! I'll give working from the blunt end a try,it's something that never crossed my mind,but it makes sense! Keith.
  20. Hi Boyd, I did have a day off today,but only to spend it fitting a new filter system to my Koi pond! I'll take it easy tomorrow though,as I want to watch the Moto GP race! Got to keep calm now,as I'm going to start the dreaded riggingof the foremast and bowsprit on Monday,and I need a lot of patience for that! Your build is looking more impressive all the time,and don't forget,it doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you're happy with the result.your gunports are very good,and I think they've been worth the effort you put into them. Cheers, Keith.
  21. A weeks work,(on and off) to complete the netting.What a horrible job!! Even the netting that Billing supply is horrible,and a nasty shade of green,so I painted it all grey. Still,all done now and I don't think it looks too bad. Also been dry fitting the bowsprit spars,assembled the foremast and added it's first bit of rigging.
  22. Hi Boyd, I have thought of it,but my next build is a Billing Cutty Sark,and the hull has already been done by it's previous owner,but maybe the one after that??? I did build a Golden Hind from plans,but had to buy some of the fittings for it,as I didn't have my little lathe then!
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