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N Mart

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Posts posted by N Mart

  1. Hello!


    I just read Karol Budniak's paper model article in the Autumn Nautical Research Journal. In his article, Karol references a second layer of planking, laid vertically, that has markings for the third layer of individual strip planking to be applied. I enjoyed the article very much if you're out there, Karol. :)


    I've been tinkering with paper models (airplanes, buildings, etc.) for years and have wanted to try small ships for some time. I've had the thought in my head that the pre-staging of planking, the creation of a flat template if you will, should be possible, but this is the first evidence I have seen of someone doing it.


    Does anyone know how the lines are being created on the second vertical planking sheet? More importantly, how do you go about transferring the shape of a hull to a flat surface? It seems to me that if you could accomplish this efficiently, anyone could create templates for planking, even in wood.


    Thanks for humoring my pondering!



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