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Posts posted by FluKanuck

  1. Hello all,


    I'm working on the Amati Pegasus Kit right now. It's my third-ever kit, and first with copper plating. I coppered one side, and then... along came a baby. The kit has sat for 7 months and unfortunately has developed some ugly tarnish on the finished side. I was planning on varnishing it all nice a shiny for display. Is there any way I can remove the tarnish and restore its shine?


    Please ignore the ineptitude of my handiwork, I tried my best :)



  2. Thank you both. I've watched those now and will start again. I was bending the planks with a hull bending tool from model shipways, alas I was not giving the planks a lateral bend. I will start doing that now and restart from the beginning. I will also mark off the bulkhead. I had measured the length of each bulkhead, divided by 5mm and had used that result as a guide on how to trim the planks. Now I need to go order more planks 😕


    thanks again, Jamie 


    (PS how did you know my name was Jamie?)

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