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  1. So after a very long hiatus, I am back to finally finish this project. Honestly I had everything besides the rigging down last year but because of life as well as just avoiding to learn knots the project got delayed. But no more! I don't have a good log entry since my last update, but for the sake of continuity here are some questions that were very generously answered by you all (shout out to Cragie65!) (Help Rigging Main Boom and Gaff for Nisha (Vanguard Models) (Best Way to Tighten Loose Ratlines) Currently trying to figure out how to rig the Nisha for no sails. I have the gaff up but I think it looks weird because there is no weight on the gaff to cause tension on the rigging. Next Steps Trying to configure the Nisha for no sails in a way that would look presentable. My plan was to configure the gaff and boom as if it had sails (but sans sails) but not sure if that is the best path forward. As always any comments or advice is greatly appreciated!
  2. @Craigie65 how did you tie the gaff to the mast?
  3. This is incredibly helpful as always! Sorry for the confusion, I did mean with how the line runs. For whatever reason, it did not occur to me that the belaying points were correlated with the (clearly) marked number on the plan. For the line connecting the mast to the gaff- is it just a single thread from the eyelet on the mast to the belaying point?
  4. Thanks Craig! I have been able to manage the rigging blocks ok, the trouble I am having is with figuring out how to do the rigging between the the mast and the gaff/boom. I am not sure of the exact terminology but the treading connecting the rigging blocks from the mast to the rigging blocks on the gaff
  5. Hi All! I am finishing up my build for the Nisha but I am struggling to figure out how to rig the main boom and gaff onto the mast. I have a hard time conceptualizing how to tie knots to begin with so if someone would be able to help further break it down I would be incredibly grateful.
  6. Thanks everyone for the sage advice! Is there a clear way to salvage what I already have or should I just redo what I have?
  7. I am working to finish the rigging on my first masted ship but I am running into problems trying to get the ratlines right. I am using clove hitch knots but the ratlines are super loose. I am using bees wax if that is having any impact. I appreciate any help in trying to clean these up!
  8. I was actually able to find a 3mm stencil on Amazon last night, so going to try spraying it on that way but failing that will try some of the decal methods raised. I appreciate everyones insight!
  9. Thanks all for the painting advice and motivating me not to be lazy! I resprayed both sides, and while it is not perfect, I think it came out pretty well. I did some how miss one little section in the stern which naturally I didn't notice until the tape was off! I like the really like the colors, but after I use up the rattle cans, I think I am going to be more proactive in finding paints and just use my airbrush. The Chaos Black goes on really easy but seems to chip just as easily and I don't know what good forsaken liquid that initially came out of the Plastikote but I am pretty sure the box I was spraying it in is a superfund site now. Lessons Learned 1) Don't be too eager to rip off the tape 2) Cover any holes in the bulwarks (there is a little tiny black spot on the inside bulwark where paint came through the hole for the anchor chain) 3) Don't remove all the tiny photo-etched parts before painting them 3) Get a positive pressure hazmat suite when using Plastikote for painting or chemical warfare. Questions: 1) Is there any surface coat that I can use to prevent the black from further chipping. 2) Any advice on trying to either touch up or mask off the area around the chip to respray? Moving forward, I sprayed the last of the the photo etched parts so going to be moving on to assembling the deck pieces and then onto the mast. I was able to find a 3mm stencil so going to try out that for the stern lettering I am a bit nervous to start rigging as I can barely tie my shoelaces never mind a hitch knot, but just need to endeavor to persevere. Would not be against any sage wisdom though!
  10. That what I was thinking but was just trying to be lazy! Do you think I should just spray a whole other coat on both sides or just the side that is affected? Any reason you think the chipping might have occurred? This is a really clever idea so thanks for flagging!
  11. Hi All! I am making the Vanguard's Nisha for my Dad and I thought it would be a nice touch to use the family name on the stern of the ship. The decal that comes with the model is 3mm high. I was not able to find any stencil with the right font hight that small so I was looking to try and create a custom stencil. Any advice on how to do it would be greatly appreciated!
  12. It has been a little time so my last post but it is nice to be able to provide all you fine folks with an update. This next part is going to be a bit of a rant, but finding paint turned out to be a JOURNEY! For whatever reason ALOT of basic colors for airbrushing (red, white black) where out of stock or only in stock with ridiculous shipping fees but I was able to find spray cans. After the cans arrived problems compounded when the Plastikote can arrived rusty. The nozzle was stuck because it was full of this green gunk(oxidation?) After I was able to clear it shot a clear gunky substance initially but then seemed to work. Now for the real stuff: Going off James H excellent recommendation the colors I used where: Tayima Grey Primer Badger Anti-Fouling Red Oxide Citadel Colors Chaos Black This recommendation came after I bought the plastikote, but for those with an airbrush Wool 132 had the excellent recommendation of Badger Anti-Fouling Red Oxide which I think came out really well. The results for my model I think came out pretty well given that I am complete rookie, but I noticed a little flacking on the Choas black. That could have been a user error problem as I only waited about 18 hours after spraying the final coat before I taped it up for the red oxide. I was using Tamiya Painter Tape but I might have been bit too eager pulling off the first strips. On the left side, I was a little short with the tape on the water line, so there is a bit of unpainted wood. I also airbrushed the photo etched brass with Tamiya XF 1 Black but I do not think that I did a enough prep and alot of those parts end up chipping so I stripped the paint of and sanded them and have the first coat of primer. Final Thoughts 1) I didn't think finding paint would be so hard for me, so I would recommend buying your colors before the planking process 2) Make sure you cover the hole of the bowsprit!!! I got lucky as some of my tap incidentally covered it but it wasn't something I thought about until I saw the paint on the tape. 3) Primer on the photo etched pieces is probably your friend. Questions: 1) Is there a good way to fix the chips on the chaos black without respraying with a rattle can? 2) Is there a good way to fix the waterline with out respraying? 3) Is it necessary to apply a pro acrylic finish? 4) Is there a good way to make a custom stencil or decal for the name of the ship? I am build this for my Dad so I thought it would be cool to put on the family name/
  13. Thanks for the amazing advice everyone! @Bob Cleek you pretty much wrote a dissertation on painting right there so might be getting on my to mastery soon! @Oldsalt1950 I am actually going to be using a rattlecan to paint the antifouling as thats what Bob and James use for their Vanguard series (specifically plastikote red oxide.) I do have a little airgun set up but I could not find the right shade of red oxide available (paint stocks are LOW right now) so just decided to try a rattle can. In regards to cleaning, what is the best way to ensure the surface is prepped- is it enough to wipe it down with a tack cloth or do I need to be more aggressive? Do you all typically sand between coats? I really appreciate all the insight! I had very little modeling/woodworking experience but thanks to this community I am REALLY getting close to finishing the Nisha. I am building the model for my Dad so trying to make it as close to perfect as possible.
  14. This is a VERY basic question, but I have never used spray paint before so I am hoping to benefit from all your collective knowledge. Any tips, advice, cautions that you have for a rookie? I have been looking on youtube, and there is a lot of great vids regarding plastic models, but I was curious if there are any considerations for working with wood (ie: clear nail polish under tape to prevent bleeding) Probably being a little neurotic but I am pretty far along in my first substantive build and really cautious about messing something up. Appreciate the help as always!
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