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Status Updates posted by Wawona59

  1. Mr. Tosti, I recently purchased your three book set and plans for building a model of the clipper ship Young America.  The books were not cheap, but well worth the price of admission.  Your books and modeling techniques have inspired me (after my illness) to get back to building my Flying Fish model.  Thank you for writing these books.



    Wawona59 on MSW 

    1. EdT


      Best wishes, John.  Hopefully the books will be helpful in building your model.



  2. Hi Ferrus,  I've been reading your build logs with pleasure.  Just thought I'd drop by and say Hi.  I've been building sailing ship and aircraft models since I was 10 in 1969.  I used to build my sailing ship models on a picnic table in the back yard during the summers.  That worked out great until a breeze caught the sails.  You are doing some wonderful work on your Golden Hinde.  I particularly like your paint work.   


    It's wonderful to see someone your age interested in modeling sailing ships instead of playing games on their smart phone.  I've got an unfinished GH staring at me from the "shelf of doom".  Maybe I should dust it off and see what I can do with it.  Keep up the good work!

    1. Ferrus Manus

      Ferrus Manus

      When did you write this? I finished my Golden Hinde in February of last year. Many of the logs you comment on are very interesting, and I will be attempting a wooden scratch build this summer. I greatly appreciate the kind words and encouragement, and I would also encourage you to finish your Golden Hinde. I will be looking forward to the build log. College has taken some time off my hands, so I do not have a current project. I am always glad to be on the forum and looking at the amazing things people build, because I always learn something. 



  3. Welcome to MSW Bruce.  I joined about a year ago.  This is a wonderful site with many skilled, helpful and friendly modelers.  Welcome aboard!



  4. Welcome to Model Ship World.  I'm a relatively new member of MSW and have found the membership to be congenial, helpful and willing to share ideas and offer help.  Welcome Aboard



  5. Welcome to MSW DanG.  If you are into shipmodeling, nautical researching or just BSing about the same, you've found the right place.  Although I'm relatively new to MSW, I have learned sooo much about building techniques from the build logs.  I hope you enjoy your time here.  If you have not already done so, feel free to post to the new member introductions on the home page.  Welcome to the group.


  6. Hello Robp1025,


    I have just started working on the Encore 1/232 USS Olympia kit Premium Edition.  The kit has photo-etch, resin parts and a wooden deck veneer.  I haven't gotten very far.  I've got the hull halves together  with a base coat of white and mounted on the pedestals.  


    If  you are unable to find an Encore kit, I'm willing to sell you my Olympia kit that I've started. 


    Wawona59 - John Newcome


    If you are unable to find a kit,

    1. Wawona59


      If you are interested, you can email me directly at nieuport28@yahoo.com



    2. Robp1025


      Thank you very much!! I have actually purchased a Revell 1/232 kit so I'll be making this for my Co Worker's Dad 

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