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Everything posted by MarcNS

  1. Thanks Jeff et al for your help on this, I am not sure why my bow sprit doesn’t seat tightly but I’ll use the measurements that Jeff provided. It’s a wonderful kit, though right now I am waiting on replacement material from Amati (foremast crows nest); strictly my bad, but should never have tried to correct my misalignment of the deadeye holes. Live and learn.
  2. Hi Jeff I am new to MSW but have been following your build for a while as a visitor. I am also building this kit at present and while, no where near as ambitious as you, I have appreciated many of the comments and points you have made as its has helped me on numerous occassions. Currently, I am constructing the masts and bowsprit and I do have a question. When I dry fit the bowsprit, it is of course off centre - there seems to be a great deal of play in the fitting so I assume it needs to cross the bow at a particular angle. There do not appear to be any diagrams or pictures from above to guide this. Can I ask how you chose to do it? Your ship is an absolute masterpiece. regards, Marc
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