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About Clementine

  • Birthday 12/16/2002

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  1. Thank you!! I wish you the best of luck on your beagle, ive stopped work on mine for now because of real life stuff, hoping to start it back up sometime soon. hopefully my log will come in useful for you because the instructions dont explain a ton lol.
  2. Hi, I used wood glue for the deck, seemed to of worked out pretty good for me.
  3. I believe thats the hull finished, all I need to do now is the masts, rigging, sails and smaller boats.
  4. Taking a break from the boats for a bit to work on the main ship itself, added the figurehead and anchors. Edit: I am aware the anchor chain on the starboard side is too long, I have corrected it.
  5. After a month of work i have finally finished the planking of the boats, now onto detailing them.
  6. As far as i know, no. you could probably find some plans online and scratch built them but nothing official. Honestly what occre provides isnt too bad its quality, just hard to build especially at such a small scale. I do hope the hobby reaches more people and inspires them to make their own improvement kits for stuff like this but I guess I got to use the hand I have been given for now.
  7. Been a bit since my last update, lost quite a lot of motivation while working on these boats and decided to take up another hobby for a while, but finally finished another boat and i am currently working on another. hoping to finish these soon so i can finally move onto the main ship again.
  8. yes i had soaked them for about a day just to make sure they could bend properly, had worked perfectly.
  9. i used a plank bender basically the same as yours and i had no issues at all.
  10. Hello Allan, sorry for taking so long to get back to you i have been pretty busy. i believe the kit comes with 2 launch boats, and a pinnace not sure about the other one. the measurements are a little over 12mm for the two on the left, 12mm for the middle one on the right and a little under 8mm for the one on the very right. i dont really know if these are accurate to the real ship or if im right in the boat types so i hope i could of helped
  11. been a bit, been having some issues with this boats but eventually figured this one out. hopefully it looks good, tried a hand at tapering some of the planks.
  12. boats frames are done, now onto the planking
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