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Everything posted by MeandSuzy1

  1. Well i ain't been here in a while cause ain't been well enough to work on my project. But recently I thought I'd get back into her by serving some ropes. Bought a Chinese sanson server..instructions only in Chinese... HELP
  2. I'm gonna start some exterior planking.. rather than hammer taping which I've found inaccurate and loosens things is there a good way to push nails in Thanks guys
  3. Well part of me is back guys. I hardly even figured out how to log in. I was taken off a 21 yr string of a pill called clonazepam in early June. Put on antidepressants. Been on 4 different strings now. Each fail and my cognitive ability is worse each second. I look back and don't even remember putting the earlier pictures up. If I do anything inappropriate I apologize in advance. This is the worst thing in the world. My once not too bad of a mind is gone. I started rounding 4 some planking today. I'm gonna try something simple
  4. I'm back temporarily guys.. just a quick post and question.. I "think" I'm ready to plank hull. I'll have to figure out how to conceal wires as I go,but. What i think I've figured is I got to dremel radiuses on ribs so as to allow planks to form. I'm cutting guncase foam to fit in hopes of not trashing stuff inside.. any pointers appreciated
  5. Starting another cutlass. Found a piece of cheap costume jewelry for blade. Looks Damascus. Gotta clean glue off when dry
  6. So this is so far Sorry bout dog slopping water guys 20220817_193613.mp4
  7. Thanks buddy Put it on a wee pedestal I made. Cut top off a small AL barrel. Hallowed a Qtip shaft. I think nicer cause then the wire can go under deck
  8. Built a wee lantern for over plant pot area. Piece of ball point pen and used Milwaukee m18 lathe to turn little fineals for ends
  9. I made my upper grating a bit more robust. 4mmx4mm walnut (yes I'll probably run out of some woods) .. oh well. Squaring up the gratings to glue in.. I use one side of real sharp toe nail clippers. Clean. I put them together at approx length, then mix 50/50 white glue and water. Brush it on back side. Let dry then form to final size
  10. God I'm gonna talk to you directly some day you don't mind. I got a feeling you've forgotten more than I know
  11. Does anybody know how many nails are required to do the outside of an AL bounty model ?
  12. It's hard with those wee sliders to look 1700's and not like the teen end tables in my grandma's living room...however, . Some walnut gel stain gives brush strokes and darker kinda helps
  13. Hi Guys I think Artesiana is trying to sabotage my build. They can't replace a broken main mast cause they say I have the wrong part #. That not withstanding ' how many things would be called "main mast" in this kit ??? OOKAY Does anyone know what the brass grommets with rope running through from top deck all the way to hold do ?? I almost blocked one off due to the AL lovelies keeping it a surprise
  14. I took a shot at making some of those manway covers. Ripped a piece of oak on table saw. Datod a single blade groove and cut pieces of 1 mm balsa ply.. it opens and closes
  15. Well the deck is now stripped ,nailed, and eurothaned. I still hate the cross members I needed to bury my goof,but.. oh well. 020x3/33 nails go all the way through. Just,so I epoxy the back. Nothing will come loose anyhoo. Used the Lepage extreme glue. Gave perfect 30 min set time. The mid deck and hold each have lacquer spray but I flattened with wash. A lot in hold. Some mid,but. All gloss top. With just minor was near stairwells and main wailway
  16. Ah that's okay. Hey guys I picked up the Lepage extreme I told you about Allan. We got a product here. Wow. She's a nice thick gel. I set this old saw blade on lacquered wood. I purposely put the blade on the gel pile on an angle to produce a gap and like with top deck to rib a tapered gap. I had good movement for 24 mins. Moderate for 9 more and by minute 40 a rock solid clear adhesion. I bent the blade peeling off. This is between 5 min epoxy and glue glue. Very fine prodect
  17. Geez I'll do better then. Building things on these,or so I've noticed seems to be the one place common sense can still be used. As mentioned, the kits no help though. FINALLY..Think I've relief cut the back, steamed, bent n twisted the top deck that he SHOULD'NT a ton of stresses. Ya I figure it's ok to glue and clamp, but. to have all the clamping pressure that it would have taken to stay loaded in my model was not going to pay back well 20220719_172553.mp4
  18. I put corner bracing in each end where top deck will do most severe bending. Hopefully keep things from coming loose. AGAIN
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