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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. Having finished up my Swift I now want to step up to a multi gun-decked 18th or 19th century warship.The kit must be POB,have good instructions ,and have high quality components.Any ideas?
  2. Ok!Looks like she is done!Not bad for my first pob build but overall I am pleased with it.The next project will hopefully lead to great things to come!
  3. Before I cut and rout the baseboard,I made an oak cradle that will hold the Swift on the base board.
  4. The kit did not include any decals,so I spelled out the name in vinyl stick on letters in a curved orientation on the transom.I clear coated them to make sure that they do not peel off in the future.
  5. Yeah!I wonder if I can make a rolling cradle to make it go up and down the ways as if it is being launched.Now that would be cool!
  6. Thanks!I am thinking of making a launch way as a topper to the oak base I intend to use.How does that sound?
  7. i have heard other members recommend Egyptian cotton for sail material so I will probably use that.
  8. I like the look of those sails but My wife and I do not know how to sew.What fabric should I ask for when I go to the craft store and how do i determine how much i need?Plus I will need a way to determine the proper shape and size.
  9. I came up with this little gadget to hold the deadeye in proper position while i thread the line through them.
  10. I am currently building a 1982 version of the AL Swift and this version does not include the sails.The new version does include the sails and I wonder if I can order a set from AL?
  11. I was considering it.Maybe I should go to Dots and get some cloth for the sails.
  12. I decided to mount up the main mast first due to the long spanker boom.I am glad that I used 5 min epoxy as it allows you to adjust the rake fore and aft.The rigging took a lot of time because I had to be sure to do it according to the plans.The tiny blocks made running the thread through them somewhat difficult.
  13. I used .80 styrene for lower doubling and a piece of sheet brass for the upper.The top mast is warped a bit but it is ok because the mast is raked anyway.
  14. Tapered the foremast with my old Stanley block plane.I then chucked it into the cordless drill and held it against sandpaper.
  15. A little more work.I really like the ogee arch of the bow rail!Even if not correct for the Swift it looks really cool!
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