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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. Yes you were right Naz,the kits drawing bears little resemblance to how the Wasa actually looks!Reminds me of a British naval vessel of the 18th Century!
  2. Yes it could be!I am not ready to tackle the big Wasa yet so it might be a good learning experience.
  3. Hey Naz,what do you know about the smaller scale Wasa by Billings?I got a started kit from another member and i cant find much info on it!It is about half the size of your kit.
  4. Depends on the vessel being modeled.If it had ratlines put them on even though it is not a lot of fun!
  5. Well you have to have a degree of mental toughness and willingness to see the project through to the end.Forums like this one are a tremendous help because most members have dealt with just about every problem one can encounter and can offer effective solutions.You also have to have the correct mind set;;nothing about wooden ship building is quick or easy but the results are well worth the effort!
  6. Nice work!The use of a cut down IC circuit is a great idea and I plan to try it on my next build1
  7. I just recently completed the AL Swift(Older Version)fits most of the criterira for a first POB build except for the spotty instructions.I am given to believe that the newer version has been redesigned and has better instructions and includes sails!
  8. Yeah Augie is doing a great job on it!Should turn out very nicely!
  9. Well I am happy to report that I did not screw up my Swift ,so I am confident i can succeed on my next build.Not ready for the WASA or tHe Victory but on my way!
  10. Basswood is easier to work with,fine grained too!Do you plan to add bulwark stiffeners?
  11. 1/2 price is a great deal!Now i have to save up and hope that the sale is still on.What is the website for ME?I am not familiar with it.Unless you mean Model Expo!I know about that!
  12. Yes it looks like the syren is a perfect choice!
  13. I was looking at Augie's build of the Syren and it just may fit the bill!The approach to framing the gun ports seem well thought out and logical.
  14. Thanks!I'll look into the fly.is it tricky getting the gun ports installed ?
  15. Yeah when i finished my Scientific Sark(which has a solid hull)I was itching to do a pob .Now it is time for a warship!
  16. Yeah i am really liking that ship.Now I have to save the cash to buy it.How much does the Surprise run and where is the best place to buy it?
  17. Yes i do!Both in the build logs and completed models section.I wonder if the armed Virginia sloop might be a good choice?
  18. Yes !Since i am a big fan oif the movie Master and Commander i might choose the HMS surprise.Now that would be a challenge!
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