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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. I hope I carved the stern block correctly .The instructions were a bit vague and I had to remove quite a bit of wood.
  2. After completing the Scientific SarkIi have decided to build a plank on bulkhead kit(My first).So far I have installed the bulkheads on the false keel and carved the bow and stern blocks.
  3. How cool!Many different methodologies to bend the planks!
  4. How long do you soak the planks and should the wood be pinned to the bulkheads,left to dry and then glued in place?
  5. Well,at least these figureheads have been preserved.
  6. Sounds similar to the figurehead of the Flying Cloud.I believe it was an angel blowing a trumpet.
  7. How about The chariot Of Fame or The Star of Empire?The clippers sure did have grandiose names.Makes sense as they sounded good in the papers and Merchants would rather send their cargoes on ships like The Glory of The Seas rather than the Sea Scud!
  8. What was the figurehead of Neptunes Favorite?i bet is was king Neptune holding a trident!
  9. Research data for the ship is limited!I wonder if I could get info on the clipper "Neptunes Favorite"?
  10. I just found out that the great Clipper ship designer and builder Donald Mckay named one of his clipppers The Santa Claus!How does that grab you?
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