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  1. Thanks guys. I will play around with your tips. The cherry that I am using on my current model can get a bit brittle when it dried if not careful, but it bends easily by soaking it in cold water for about 15 seconds. It seems that I just need to be careful with the brittleness. I wish you all a beautiful and blessed 2025
  2. I have build 3 models with mainly Cherry. It is a great wood for modelling, but it is a bit light for what I have in mind for the next one. I saw in a article on modelling woods on the site that African Mahogany is a good one. I have a few blocks of African Mahogany. To cut the strips, 5 by 2 mm, is easy. Bending, not so much. I tried heat with my soldering iron, hot and cold water soaking, does not work. Now, how do I bend the wood? Alternatively, is there a wood that will bend easier but with approximately the same colour.
  3. Thanks all. I found ihe information. The figures was "hidden" in the Dutch deck names.
  4. The Batavia was build in 1626.
  5. I am building a model of the aft section of the VOC ship, the Batavia, I have most of the information I need for the build. However, can anyone please assist and answer one question: What is the distance between the deck beams? Thank you.
  6. Hi all A friend of mine found the plans in a book from 1958. The plan was for him to build a full size boat. Unfortunately, due to circumstances that is not possible anymore. He asked me to build a model of the boat. Most of the detail, I could figure out, but due to the graininess of pictures and drawings, I find it difficult to see how the rigging of the boat works and how it is constructed. Can someone, please, assist me with pictures/drawings and a description on how the rigging work and how it is constructed? Thank you Robbie Zielemans Sasolburg South Africa
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