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  1. The forward deadeyes are in. This was slow work but now that all the pieces are built things should go faster.
  2. I'm experimenting with different ways to make deadeyes. On the left is one using thick rope bound with thin rope. Next over I put used an 18 gauge wire for going around the deadeye and thin rope to bind the thick rope to the assembly. The 2 in the clamps I drilled a hole to mount the 18 gauge wire and used the thick rope to go around the deadeye and bound everything together with the thin rope. I think this is the option I'll use. It seems to be the easiest to build and looks pretty good too.
  3. I finally finished all 28 deadeyes mounted to the ship. I've also repositioned the ship so I can work on both sides for rigging.
  4. Here's the main master crow's nest. I'm a couple of weeks from rat lines and any advice would be appreciated. There's several ways I can think of proceeding but I'd like to hear from someone who's actually done it. Thanks in advance.
  5. I rebuilt the deadeyes. I tried to make triangular ones but they just didn't look nice, so I'm going with the round ones. It may not be historically correct but I don't care as this is for display.
  6. Too high above the channel? Please explain. Also every ship I've seen has round or oval deadeyes. The ones on the Constitution in Boston are almost round and the size of a person's head.
  7. It's been slow work. Deadeyes are hard to make, and now half of the 28 are done and in.
  8. Here's the model on the stand I made. The white styrofoam is of course temporary until I make proper cradles. I've been busy the last 2 weeks clearcoating the model for protection.
  9. Here's a picture of the finished hull. I'm 6'1" which should give you an idea of the size.
  10. Final touches on the starboard side. Channels and a cathead. I'm also in the process of applying multiple clearcoats to protect the paint.
  11. Final spackle and sanding. Painters tape removed and gun port locations roughed in. Starboard side done.
  12. Final spackle and sanding. Painters tape removed and gun port locations roughed in.
  13. Off topic but both Dave and Yves commented. This is my sound system. Over 800 watts per channel and quad amped. The speakers are all JBL concert speakers. Yes this baby rocks!
  14. Here's the starboard side planked. The 2nd iteration of spackle is drying. The spackle hides my worst errors and when sanded properly still allows the planking lines to show like a real ship.
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