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  1. Got it. Thank you all very much! Lots of learning happening for me. chuck
  2. Here is the full picture vs just the section I attached earlier.
  3. I don’t think so. For example not shown in picture is the same mast without the B, showing just an A. Then the A appears again with the symbol similar what the B has. Hope I haven’t confused you too much. Thanks Chuck
  4. Hi all, I have just completed my first build ever (Polaris) by OCCRE and now I am about to begin my second (HMS Endurance) by OCCRE. In looking over the instructions I found the attached symbol in building mast. Can anyone tell me what it means? Thank you in advance for your help. Chuck
  5. IIia,

    Your Polaris looks fantastic. I am just lining the hull on mine. It is my first build as well. I hope I come somewhere close to your build. Wish you all the best.  Chuck P.

  6. Figured out how to do the build log!

  7. Hi Keith and thanks. How do I start a build log? Chuck
  8. Hi Jack, All the snow and ice have gone. We are now like a little Miami except for Palm trees and perhaps 70+ weather. But we will take it. Chuck
  9. Still waiting for the kit to arrive but I will keep all informed on my progress. Wanted to thank everyone individually but that make for a long thread. Greatly appreciate all the positive responses. With all the very best! Chuck
  10. Hi Jack, so long as it is not Oswego I am good with it. Take care.
  11. Thanks all for the warm welcome. I will give it my best, stumble and hopefully get up with the help from this forum. All the best to all. Chuck
  12. Hi all, I have been in pursuit of a hobby that I can embrace and have fun with. I came across model ship building and I hope I have found what I have been looking for. I have not done a model since a kid and they were horrible, I am now 68+. I know these are challenging and rewarding if you succeed through the low moments of a build. My skill set is probably close to zero but i am going to give it a go. I ordered the Polaris from OCCRE and waiting for it to arrive. I chose it because of the videos. I doubt I could succeed without them. So just wanted to say hi and also let you know this ChuckP should never be confused with another Chuck on this forum. I can’t even believe the level of his and others workmanship I am seeing and I truly admire all who have the talent to do these. My first build may look like a disaster, but so be it. I am hoping I have the perseverance to pick myself up and continue going. Time will tell. One last note when I say Central New York, I am not talking about near Manhattan. We are near lake Ontario in the middle of snow country. All the best to all of you. Chuck
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