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aurelien wolff

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Everything posted by aurelien wolff

  1. Actually, they're not much invested in it, I asked them the kit for my last birthday (I think) and I got it(tho we did had delivery issues with mondial relay, us and the seller thought it could take the kit but it didn't). This week end, I did more gun carriages and removed the "LL" on one of the side panels.
  2. 23 years old. By the way, I might keep going on the gun carriages today (lots of them still to do and I'm sure I lost some parts)
  3. Hello, it's been a while since I haven't showed my advance, sorry for my absence! This month, I assembled the decks, continued working on the gun carriages and tonight worked on the part 11. Someone helped me with the dremel to cut through the hull.
  4. A bit of news, I'll go back to the gun cariages tomerow. I started working on the america/africa figures provided by heller. I had to remove the molding lines using a knife and sand paper and I glued both figures arms. Had to use pics from tanneron soleil royal and a soleil royal someone from my modelist club did.
  5. Nice work! I started working on my SR gun cariage for the 3rd battery this afternoon. I like what you did on the beakhead and figurehead (mine will be gold, tho it'll e the mermaid of the original SR with its sun/globe and crown (using parts of the OG figurehead while other are made out of milliput).
  6. I did the rough scheme of the heller stern façade yesterday and opened all the panels of the second quarter gallery while watching "c'est pas sorcier" on the french ship of the line. This episode showed the hermione under construction(slight audio issue on sabine parts for some reason, but not jamy)
  7. Yesterday, I started making plans o the stern façade. Both will be rough schemes. One showing the original heller part, the other the modifyed part. I started opening the 2nd quarter gallery too while watching the french show "c'est pas sorcier" on the belem This episode:
  8. Coming back to the thread, always like seeing the carving work and stern colors. I'll base my windows on the "chambre de volontaires" drawing in guy M document, and I started making plans for the stern façade (rough scheme to know where I start from and another one showing the modification I need to do).
  9. This weekend, I worked essentially on the quarter gallery (part 17), opening it. It wasn't so hard and I didn't cut myself yet. Currently going through Guy M 104 pages document on the ship, the books "floating baroque" and "Les vaisseaux de 1er range, de louis XIII à louis XIV", both being quite itneresting and isntructive with isnpiration for my SR.
  10. After a little absence, here's an update on the SR. I started working on the kit injection pins (there are a lot) at a meeting of the modelism club I'm in and tonight I started cutting the panels of one of the quarter galleries using a xacto knife (didn't cut myself yet). I think I can use that for the 3rd battery gunport to correct their angle without having to use another part.
  11. Patrick Villiers book arrived. I started reading it, it's quite interesting, I learn more on the french/english and dutch navies, on the 17th century and french navy history and a lot of inspiration for my soleil royal. The kit arrived today. The box is huge. Some part broke off their sprues but they still seem to be in their bag so it's good, the façade has a small crack, but not a problem since I plan to modfy it. The sails are a bit disformed, the strings a bit tangled and the notice didn't liked the transport(at least the cover).
  12. Floating baroque arrived today. I'm still waiting for my soleil royal kit who got sent back to the seller by mondial relay, we don't know why. My parents got me patrick villier book on the french navy and saint phillipe, it'll have inspirations for the soleil royal too Floating baroque has a pic of hans bosma soleil royal who seem to be the heller kit, he managed to have a verry good looking model, even if he kept the box stern fassade and quarter galleries, so despite its innacuracies, you can make something good from the box with the kit.
  13. My parents got me floating baroque this morning, now I got paper documentation for the stern
  14. Even with the column alignment issue, the stern you did still look verry good and the colors are vibrant. On the balcony, I plan to keep what heller originally did and enlarge them so they'd fit the new breadth, the 4th season figures will remain the same. If one increase the rear breadth, is it obligatiory to do the same with the bow? I've seen you did that on your.
  15. I'm talking about the 2nd pilars of the second row of windows you did. For the 1st SR, it seems the figures are more either gold or ocher, so I'll do them that way on mine.
  16. so you're not going for the gold/ocher 4 seasons figure, you're going for colors. I don't know if it's mu eyes, but one of the pillar on the last windows level seem a bit oddly angled, I wonder why.
  17. I did a test yesterday to see if my old tamiya milliput would still work, it does , even if the exterior of the tubes has dryed over time and the exterior of the gray one is now brown . I did rough molding and fleur de lys shape (first time doing that) and for the stern side, decided to do something based on this drawing of the monarque/royal louis , since we don't know what it loked like, even with dassié description(who put "liston" in plural with, so I can still keep the moldings of the 3rd battery).
  18. Maybe it's related to the restauration of the image, tho I'm not sure if it'd mean rotating the image like that, on the restored old books I saw during my 1 week internship at the haguenau library, they didn't rotated stuff, and it wasn done in the old not restored book I saw in the "fond patrimoniaux" either(I got the chance to look at XVth century book there btw).
  19. Going through the thread and I wonder if the so call 1669 berain drawing is really the 1st SR, because the quarter gallery are closed when they're supposed to be open and the windows arrangement don't correspond to what was described for the royal louis and other ships from the time period also had this 6 windows with 1 space in the middle arrangement. The drawing remind me more of what berain proposed for the refit SR than the 1st one.
  20. Where do you need to retouch? I find what you did nice already. I'll keep what heller did on my SR and use azure blue as the main color with gold and ocher.
  21. Hello, my parents paid for the kit today and I decided to prepare the thread here in advance too since I've been in a research phase for a month(since I never did sailing ships before, I prefer to know my subject and where I'm going). I made a short list of modification (bound to change overtime) of my model after seeing builds of both 1669 and 1693 SR (I like seeing builds of the ship for inspiration, no matter the model company, scale or time period choosed by the builder, I can stil lget something useful for my 1669 SR), here it is: -The more I think about it, the more I might do it as a waterline, it'll make correcting the stern easier and I can still use heller stand, no obligation for a diorama -New figurehead/ornaments/moldings -Incresed breadth so I can incorporate 6 windows with a door as described in the original royal louis description on gallica -increase decks size using plastic/styren sheet -new flags -1 more chase gun on both sides of the bow -openning the original heller quarter gallerys (I find it funny they are on the boxart, but not on the kit) -more detailed and incresed gun breadth, inspired by Hubac build -ornament (such as fleur de lys) on the opened port lid (I don't think I'll open all of them) -2 more guns on the stern For the color, I think I'll go for a full white hull with blue stern and forecastle, ocher, touches of gold and red . I got a edition without a new notice, I wonder is it necessary for the build or not? I like the other boxart too: http://hellerpassionmaquettes.blogspot.com/2007/01/le-soleil-royal-vedette-de-la.html Thanks for fellowing my build and helping me on my research and getting it right!
  22. Hello, I'll use this thread for my research on SR and inspiration too (this thread's so much longer than the ships of scale one btw).
  23. Thanks, I'll do my best with my english (my french isn't perfect either).
  24. Hello, I'm aurélien, a 22 yo french boys who's passionated by history, science, paleontology, astronomy, aviation (both civilian and military), naval history wwho recently started being interested by sailing ships thanks to LOS! 63. I enjoy doing what/project/prototype and speculative stuff in model, per example, I intend to do a heller boeing 747 as a air france concepts for their 1975 rebrand or revell boeing 747 8i as one with a red tail concept for lufthansa new livery. The soleil royal enter in the speculative category for both the 1669 and 1693 version, hence why I decided to get the heller kit for my birthday (my parents said they'd order it this weekend). I wanted to elarn new stuff about scratch too I can use for other models (per example, a simple way to make flags, I'm planning to do a what if captured y ukraine T14 armata with a ukrainian flag on its gun and T90 with a ukrainian flag on its front plate), I like the aesthetic of the ship and I might've gotten a bit mad. Thanks for letting me in!
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